Write for Us

Thank you for your interest in writing for Write with Harte! Below you’ll find the process for submitting your pitch/article.

The goal of Write with Harte is two-fold:

  1. Provide quality, tangible content to help romance writers in writing, publishing, and marketing romance fiction.
  2. Grow a vibrant, supportive romance author community

To achieve these goals, I need other authors to share their tips, knowledge, and insights.

Write with Harte is always open to guest posts, but will pay for high-quality articles that provide useful, tangible tips to romance authors. While I’ll take a look at all ideas, I’m particularly interested in in-depth articles that cover specific aspects of writing, marketing, and publishing romance fiction. I’d rather have an article on how to write a swoonworthy grand gesture, how to pitch Booktok influencers, or how to not waste money with Amazon ads, than generic plotting, social media, or ad articles. Write with Harte pays $35 for these types of articles.

Write with Harte will also post success stories that outline an author’s journey to romance writing success or a specific aspect of their journey that made a big difference (e.g. how new covers increased sales by x%). Write with Harte pays $20 for success stories.

Note that Write with Harte’s current posting schedule is once per week. While that can increase, depending on the number of submissions we have at any given time, it could be weeks, even months, before your post is live. If your submission is accepted, you’ll be given a publication date.

Before sending your article, please read the guidelines below. Please note that articles not submitted per the guidelines will not be considered.

Writing style of articles for Write with Harte

  1. Provide good, quality, “how-to” content. Readers should be able to walk away with an idea or deeper insight that will benefit their writing career. Read the blog for examples of articles WWH is looking for.
  2. Use an easy to read, engaging style of writing that appeals to readers.
  3. Use short paragraphs
  4. Break up content with section headers
  5. Consider using bullets or numbered lists
  6. Proof read your submission!
  7. You can provide resources within your article but you must let me know if it is an affiliate link or you otherwise are getting paid to share it. Note that Write with Harte reviews resources and reserves the right to remove links if it deem them questionable or not appropriate for its readers. Also, Write with Harte may include additional links to other content on Write with Harte for further information.
  8. Do not hyper link text. Include any links you want in the article next to the text in the form below. We’ll hyperlink the URL when we prepare the article for posting.

Write with Harte will edit your article if needed. If Write with Harte feels the need to cut or add to the article, you’ll be notified.

A note about AI: At this time, we’re adopting Google’s stance on AI in that WWH wants quality content regardless of how it’s produced. With that said, WWH also believes the most informative and helpful information is written from the personal experiences and insights of the writers.

If you have more questions, check the FAQ section at the end of this page for more information.

Submitting Your Article

Use the form below to provide:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Website
  • Social Media (send as @name on Facebook and Instagram)
  • Article Content (including title)
  • Author Bio Information (for the end of the article – you can include your website and social media info)
  • Link to your photo
  • PayPal Email (for payment)
  • Keywords or phrases for SEO
  • Key Sentences for Social Media
  • Graphical concept (for article and social media post)


Provide @profile name for Facebook and Instagram
Include your article here. Note that this form doesn't accept hyperlinked text. Put any URLs fully written (e.g. https://website) next to the text you want to hyperlink).
Your bio can include your website and social media links. Write out the URLs and we'll hyperlink for you. Please keep your bio to 500 characters or less.
Provide the URL to your photo.
Share your thoughts on the type of graphic for your post and social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I write about?

Write with Harte publishes articles targeted to romance writers at all stages, covering writing, publishing, and marketing romance fiction. As mentioned earlier, I prefer in-depth articles or niched down content that gives readers something tangible to help them in their writing careers. Read the blog for types of content and how it’s presented.

I’m also open to personal success stories that either tell your entire journey or a specific aspect of your journey, such as a marketing tactic that skyrocketed sales.

Your focus should be on content that will help romance authors in their writing journeys.

2. Do you pay?

Yes. Write with Harte pays $20 for success stories and $35 for articles that it accepts for posting.

3. How do I get paid?

Once the article is accepted and prepared for posting, you’ll be paid via PayPal.

4. How long should my posts be?

Post should be at least 800 words long. Write with Harte prefers substance over fluff, so if it’s shorter, that’s okay as long as it offers something useful to readers.

5. Should I pitch you my idea before writing the post?

You don’t have to, but if you’re unsure, you can send me your pitch first.

6. Should I include links within the piece?

You can include links in your article. Our system requires that you include the URL next to the text you want to hyperlink in the post. Write with Harte reviews all links and reserves the right not to link to a resource. Quality links include those from reputable news sites and blogs, other posts here on Write with Harte, and links to your website.

Note that Write with Harte may add additional links to content on Write with Harte to your article. These links will be related content to enhance the article.

7. Can I include affiliate links in my article?

Yes, but remember, Write with Harte will review links and reserves the right not to use it. If you use affiliate links, you need to let me know so appropriate disclaimers are included.

8. Will you edit my post?

Yes for formatting, spelling and grammar, readability, and clarity. Any significant changes to the content will be referred back to you first.

9. Can I use photos?

Yes, but you need to own them and give WWH permission to use them. You’ll need to upload them somewhere and send Write with Harte the URL for them. Write with Harte will either link directly to the photo or download and use on the site. Photos won’t be edited, but they may be resized. Like links, Write with Harte reserves the right not to post a photo.

10. What should be in my bio?

Include who you are, what you write and anything interesting about you. Don’t forget the URL to your website and/or social media.

11. What can I expect after I submit my article?

Write with Harte will read your article for consideration within a week of receiving it. If accepted, it will be scheduled for posting. You’ll be notified of the date the post will go live, and sent the URL of the post when it is live so that you can share it. You’ll receive payment when the article posts.

12. Can I include the post in my media kit and share on social media?

Yes, absolutely. Write with Harte would love for you to share your article!