Preptober Writevember 2024 Challenge is Open – Join Free!

Preptober Writevember Challenge is Open - Join Free!

You have a romance novel in you…let’s get it written!

The fourth Write with Harte Preptober Writevember Challenge starts October 1, 2024! Join now to get the information, tips, support, and resources you need to turn your book idea into a romance novel.

What is Preptober?

Preptober was initially coined by NaNoWriMo participants who used the month of October to plan their writing project for November.

At Write with Harte, Preptober is used to plan a writing project for Writevember (write a book in November), as well as provide participants with information, instruction, tips, resources, and more to plan and write a romance.

What is Writevember?

Writevember is Write with Harte’s version of National Novel Writing Month. It varies in that writers can pick their own writing challenge for November. Ideas include finishing an already-started novel. Writing a 30,000 word novella. Writing two 30,000 word novellas. Writing 1,000 or 80,000 words.

Further, writers who join WWH’s challenge receive daily tips, support, and motivation to achieve their goal.

FREE Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge

For years, I wrote books that got done mostly by a wish and prayer. I wrote a lot, then I wrote nothing. I got stuck, then the words flowed…until they stopped again. I pantstered and tried plotting with little success. It’s not that this method didn’t work. I wrote half a dozen books like this.

But then I became a ghost writer, and over the last several years, I’ve averaged a book a month (over 75 books to date). What this process taught me was that cranking out 1,000 to 2,000 words a day isn’t that hard IF you understand the elements of good romance fiction and have a plan.

In the WWH Preptober and Writevember Challenge I share with you my tips, hacks, and secrets for writing a lot of words in a short time and have them end with a satisfying romance.

The goal of the Preptober and Writevember is two-fold:

  1. Understand good romance novels and a plan to write your own (October)
  2. Write a novel (November)

The challenge starts October 1st, and each day in October, you’ll get an email with information, tips, and homework to plan your romance novel. Most lessons won’t take very long. Others might take an hour. Of course, finding time will be covered so that when November comes, you have the time and organized ideas to write 1,000 to 2,000 words in an hour or 90 minutes (or whatever your daily goal will be).

You’ll continue to get a daily email in November with additional tips, inspiration, and pacing cues to help you stay on track.

Along with daily emails, there will be weekly Zoom meetings to recap the week’s goals, ask questions, and get support.

Participants can connect between calls by joining the private Romance Writing Challenge group here at Write with Harte. If you haven’t joined Write with Harte, it is free, and gives you access to a variety of tools, as well as the ability to take part in groups and forums. You can join the Write with Harte Community for free here (Note, that joining Write with Harte doesn’t automatically register you for the Preptober Writevember Challenge. You’ll need to register for the challenge separately).

Don’t wait, join the WWH Preptober Writevember Challenge now! Learn more and sign up for free here: Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge

PS: If you’ve taken the challenge before and want to take it again, you’ll need to sign up again. Overall, the challenge is the same as previous years, with a few updates.

Did you enjoy this article? If so, join the Write with Harte community where you can get access to member-only resources, join in a weekly call, receive weekly email updates with news and information, and more. Join for FREE here.

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