Author Marketing 101

Author Marketing 101

September 17, 2024 in Blog

I was on two marketing panels at Creatures, Crimes & Creativity (C3) this weekend. One was social media, while the other was generic marketing. Both are huge topics. There are so many things to consider, and often the focus is on the activities (e.g. social media, newsletters, etc.) and not enough on understanding how marketing works to sell books. The problem with focusing only on tasks is that many authors do activities with no real rhyme or reason, which is often ineffective.

In this post, I want to take a step back and discuss the various stages of reader attraction and engagement and what you need to consider at each of these stages in terms of tasks you can do to sell books. Then we’ll talk about readers and how to find them, and what question you need to answer before you set out to do any marketing tasks.

What is the point of marketing?

The short answer is to sell books. But posting a tropey graphic of your book on Instagram won’t sell many books if you don’t already have fan followers.
When I think about marketing, I break it down into three basic stages:

  1. Attract new readers. These are the readers who have never heard of you.
  2. Befriend new reader acquaintances: These are readers who are aware of you, but don’t know you yet.
  3. Party with your fans: These are reader fans with whom you have a relationship and have built a community around.

Each of these stages requires different marketing strategies. It’s sort of like dating. You’re not going to get in front of a reader who’s never heard of of you and say, “hey, buy my book and be in my fan group.” Or you could, but they don’t know you. They might be put off by the equivalent of marriage proposal on the first date.
Instead, you need to be introduced to readers, befriend them, and hopefully, they’ll become your superfans. So how do you do this? By taking in consideration what readers need at each stage.

Stage 1: Attract New Readers

I’m of the belief that except maybe for TikTok and Facebook Author Takeovers, social media isn’t the best way to get in front of NEW readers. Most posts you make on social media aren’t seen by people who do know you! Even if boost your post, not all your followers will see it.
To attract new readers, you need to go out into the world where they hang out and get in front of them. The best ways to do this are:

  1. Being a guest on podcasts targeting readers of the type of book you write
  2. Outreach to influencers on social media who talk about the type of books you write
  3. Newsletter swaps with authors who have the same target reader as you do
  4. Asking your reader group to share your social content with their sphere of influence
  5. Guest blog posts with authors who have the same target reader as you do
  6. Blog tour with book bloggers who promote the same type of book you’ve written
  7. In person events (Get on a panel, which gives you more exposure to readers. I always sell more books after a panel)
  8. Ads targeting your ideal reader

Each of these options should not only include links to your book, but links to your newsletter sign up and social media where allowed. If you just send them to your book, you have no way to move them to stage 2 (unless the book info is on your website and you get their info there). So while ads can generate sales, the retailers don’t share those buyers with you, which is really what you need to move to future stages.

Stage 2: Befriend New Reader Acquaintances

A reader is now aware of you, and your goal is to become a friend. You want them to get to know you and bring them into your inner reader circle. At this stage, you’re sharing anecdotes, exclusive content, insider access, behind the scenes, specials and more. The best way to do this is:

  1. Social media. While a follow on social is nice, consider starting a group (you can do this at Facebook, Discord, or set up something through your website–through Facebook is ideal because so many readers are already there).
  2. Newsletter. You absolutely need a newsletter. These readers have raised their hand and said, “yes, I want to get to know you.”

Stage 3: Party with Your Fans

At this stage, you want to build a community that offers something unique and special to these great supportive readers of yours. The best way to have your readers feel connected to you and to other readers is through platforms that allow for conversations. Facebook Groups has a basic ability to do this. Discord is another way to gather your readers to talk about your books.

For years, authors have built street teams to develop this level of reader-author engagement, but a growing trend in community building with authors, especially romance authors, is to create a special, exclusive relationship that makes them feel extra special. This type of community can lead to additional income through a paid subscription component. Platforms such as Patreon and Ream Stories (like Patreon but specific for authors) are two ways you can do this.

These communities often have a free component, such as on Ream Stories where reader fans can “Follow” to get access to any free content you provide including the ability for the reader to comment on your writing (similar to Wattpad) and access to your community board where you can post questions, polls, and more. With Ream Stories in particular, followers are emailed each time you post in the community or add/update content.

For superfans on both Ream Stories and Patreon, you can offer paid tier options with more cool stuff as another way to make money. This content can take more time to create, but it’s usually exclusive to your fans who support you through a subscription.
Note that you can offer subscriptions through other sources such as Buy Me a Coffee, Ko-Fi, and Substack, but the community/social element isn’t quite as robust.

Who are Your Readers?

Knowing the stages of the marketing journey is just the start. The truth is marketing only works if the right person gets the right message at the right time. Scattering your content like buckshot won’t work as well as targeted marketing to readers who like what you write.
Successful marketing, particularly stage 1 attracting new readers, starts with you answering the following questions:

  1. How do you want to be known? If I say Colleen Hoover or Nora Roberts, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When your name is said, what do you want readers to think? Romance author? Romantasy author? Sweet cowboy romance author?
  2. Who is the mostly likely reader of your book? This is self-explanatory. Not all romance readers read all romance books. Some want spice and angst. Some don’t want any spice or angst.
  3. Where can your reader be found? This is the crucial question. If you wanted to hangout with these readers, where would you find them? Importantly, where do they go to learn about books? I know many authors don’t like TikTok, but I was at an event where I spoke to a young man who told me all his book buys were based on reviews/recommendations from TikTok. I too have bought many books the last few years based on BookTube and BookTok.
  4. What is the best way to engage your reader? Now that you’re where your reader hangs out, what message can you put in front of them that will make them interested in you? Do they like short teaser videos? Seeing review posts? Cover reveals?

If you’re unsure about who and where you readers are, and how to communicate to them, study successful authors who write in your genre. Do a search on their names and/or books and see where they pop-up. When you come across social content posted by the author, pay attention to what they’re posting and the types of engagement they’re getting.

What is Your Goal with Each Marketing Task?

You now have a sense of each stage of the reader journey and ideas on how to reach new readers and keep them engaged. But you still want to avoid sending out content willy nilly. Each time you appear somewhere or post something, you need to have an idea of why you’re doing it (hint: it isn’t always about buy my book).

When you’re doing a marketing task, ask yourself what you want the reader to do. Yes, it could be “buy my book” but again, someone who has never heard of you may ignore that message. In that case, a better message is to download your free lead magnet (subscribe to your email), follow on social media, join in the fun (asking a question or sharing a meme) etc.

The stages of marketing hint at your goals:

  1. Attract New Readers
  2. Befriend New Readers – Keep attention with engagement content
  3. Party with Fans – Build a sense of inclusion and belonging with special content
  4. The fourth goal is promoting you or your book specifically

Each time I post something, I think about which of these goals I’m focused on. For example:

  • If I’m on a podcast or at a live event, I’m attracting new readers. While this goal can include info on my book, I also want to encourage them to follow me on social media or get my lead magnet to move them from stage 1 to stage 2.
  • If I post a poll about favorite romantic couples on social media, I’m engaging with my reader friends with the goal of strengthening my relationship with them. Or I might post a snippet of a bonus chapter that they can read the full version of in my reader community, to lead them from stage 2 to stage 3.
  • If I post an alternate POV to a chapter of my book for my super fans, I’m building my fan community (stage 3)
  • If I post about the special sale of my book, I’m putting out core promotional content with the goal of buying my book.

The point is, each time you do anything marketing wise, you should be able to identify a goal and measure if it’s working. If I post a picture of myself at an event, my goal is to share something that helps readers get to know and like me (stage 2). Perhaps in my newsletter, I remind people about my reader group (stage 2 and 3). I can post my lead magnet on social media with the goal of gaining subscribers. All these “goals” I can measure through likes, follows, and subscriptions.

I find marketing the most difficult part of being an author, mostly because there’s so many aspects to it. It’s not just about selling books anymore. It’s about reaching new readers, cultivating a readership, and building a community that will not only buy your books, but will be evangelists for your books. All this takes time…time to find podcasts to pitch…time to befriend book influencers…time to create social content…etc.

The Author’s Social Media & Community Building Planner

The Author’s Social Media and Community Building PlannerFor help in your marketing planning, especially around blogging, email and social media, check out The Author’s Social Media and Community Building Planner.  The first part covers marketing topics such as platform building blogging, email marketing, and more. It provides lists of content ideas, worksheets, and checklists to help you organize your marketing efforts. Finally, it includes a 12-month calender to help you plan your marketing activities.

Because of the time it takes to market, you don’t want to waste it on ineffective activities. Make your marketing work for you by being strategic in your goals, and getting the right messages to the right people.

If you have questions or feedback about marketing, please let me know in the comments below. 

Preptober Writevember Challenge is Open - Join Free!

Preptober Writevember 2024 Challenge is Open – Join Free!

September 9, 2024 in Blog

You have a romance novel in you…let’s get it written!

The fourth Write with Harte Preptober Writevember Challenge starts October 1, 2024! Join now to get the information, tips, support, and resources you need to turn your book idea into a romance novel.

What is Preptober?

Preptober was initially coined by NaNoWriMo participants who used the month of October to plan their writing project for November.

At Write with Harte, Preptober is used to plan a writing project for Writevember (write a book in November), as well as provide participants with information, instruction, tips, resources, and more to plan and write a romance.

What is Writevember?

Writevember is Write with Harte’s version of National Novel Writing Month. It varies in that writers can pick their own writing challenge for November. Ideas include finishing an already-started novel. Writing a 30,000 word novella. Writing two 30,000 word novellas. Writing 1,000 or 80,000 words.

Further, writers who join WWH’s challenge receive daily tips, support, and motivation to achieve their goal.

FREE Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge

For years, I wrote books that got done mostly by a wish and prayer. I wrote a lot, then I wrote nothing. I got stuck, then the words flowed…until they stopped again. I pantstered and tried plotting with little success. It’s not that this method didn’t work. I wrote half a dozen books like this.

But then I became a ghost writer, and over the last several years, I’ve averaged a book a month (over 75 books to date). What this process taught me was that cranking out 1,000 to 2,000 words a day isn’t that hard IF you understand the elements of good romance fiction and have a plan.

In the WWH Preptober and Writevember Challenge I share with you my tips, hacks, and secrets for writing a lot of words in a short time and have them end with a satisfying romance.

The goal of the Preptober and Writevember is two-fold:

  1. Understand good romance novels and a plan to write your own (October)
  2. Write a novel (November)

The challenge starts October 1st, and each day in October, you’ll get an email with information, tips, and homework to plan your romance novel. Most lessons won’t take very long. Others might take an hour. Of course, finding time will be covered so that when November comes, you have the time and organized ideas to write 1,000 to 2,000 words in an hour or 90 minutes (or whatever your daily goal will be).

You’ll continue to get a daily email in November with additional tips, inspiration, and pacing cues to help you stay on track.

Along with daily emails, there will be weekly Zoom meetings to recap the week’s goals, ask questions, and get support.

Participants can connect between calls by joining the private Romance Writing Challenge group here at Write with Harte. If you haven’t joined Write with Harte, it is free, and gives you access to a variety of tools, as well as the ability to take part in groups and forums. You can join the Write with Harte Community for free here (Note, that joining Write with Harte doesn’t automatically register you for the Preptober Writevember Challenge. You’ll need to register for the challenge separately).

Don’t wait, join the WWH Preptober Writevember Challenge now! Learn more and sign up for free here: Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge

PS: If you’ve taken the challenge before and want to take it again, you’ll need to sign up again. Overall, the challenge is the same as previous years, with a few updates.

self care for romance authors

Self-Care for Romance Authors

September 3, 2024 in Blog

I don’t know what being an author was like before the Internet. Marketing was different for sure. And while there were bad reviews and haters, chances were most authors didn’t directly hear from them.

Today, reaching readers around the world is fast and easy, while at the same time, boosting the amount of work authors need to do. I listened to a podcast interview with Skye Warren once in which she talked about trying to do all the things when it came to her author career and it made her sick.

Then there is the direct input from readers that can be wonderful, in the case of fans, but really demoralizing from mean people. Let’s face it, many people say things to others online that they probably wouldn’t say face-to-face. The Internet has a distance that some people feel emboldened to speak their first impulses, but those on the receiving end don’t have that same sense of distance. Mean words hurt.

It seems to me that the Internet has made some aspects of being an author easier and yet harder, and sometimes overwhelming and emotionally fraught. Authors need to take care that they don’t let the work or negativity bring them down.

Self-care isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a vital practice that allows us to continue doing what we love—writing with passion and purpose. Whether you’re overwhelmed by all the moving parts to writing, publishing, and marketing your romance novels, managing the ouch of a negative review, or booted from a group for saying “AI,” taking time to nurture yourself is key to sustaining your creativity and avoiding burnout.

By prioritizing self-care, you’re ensuring that your passion for writing remains as vibrant and enduring as the romances you create.

Building a Strong Mental Health Foundation

The sturdiest structures are built on a strong foundation. The stronger your mental health, the better you’re able to weather the storms that can batter you through the writing, publishing, and market process. A strong base of mental health comes from taking care of yourself as a matter of course, not just when the winds are blowing.

Here are tips to shoring up your mental health foundation.

By the way…I doubt much of what is listed below will be a surprise. Activities such as exercise, eating right, and getting enough sleep are the solution to many of life’s challenges. But are you doing them? I know I don’t always maintain as healthy of lifestyle as I can.

Physical Self-Care

  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in activities like walking, yoga, or stretching to relieve tension from long hours of writing.
  2. Healthy Eating: Maintain a balanced diet to keep your energy levels steady.
  3. Adequate Sleep: Prioritize getting enough rest to stay sharp and creative.
  4. Frequent Breaks: Take short breaks during writing sessions to stretch, move around, and rest your eyes.
  5. Ergonomic Workspace: Set up a comfortable and supportive workspace to prevent strain on your body.

Mental and Emotional Self-Care

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus.
  2. Journaling: Reflect on your thoughts and emotions through journaling to process your experiences.
  3. Creative Outlets: Engage in other creative activities like painting, music, or crafting to refresh your mind.
  4. Reading for Pleasure: Take time to read books purely for enjoyment, without the pressure of analyzing them.
  5. Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to boost your confidence and combat self-doubt.

Social and Community Care

  1. Connect with Fellow Authors: Join writing groups or online communities to share experiences and offer support. I you’re not yet a member of Write with Harte, join us for camaraderie and support.
  2. Attend Writing Events: Participate in writing workshops, book signings, or author panels to stay connected with the writing community.
  3. Set Boundaries: Clearly define your working hours and personal time to avoid burnout.
  4. Reach Out for Help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to a friend, mentor, or therapist.

Professional Self-Care

  1. Organize Your Schedule: Create a realistic writing schedule that includes time for breaks and personal activities.
  2. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones in your writing process.
  3. Manage Expectations: Set achievable goals and be gentle with yourself if things don’t go as planned.
  4. Continual Learning: Take courses or read about topics that interest you or could enhance your writing skills.
  5. Delegate Tasks: If possible, delegate tasks like editing, marketing, or formatting to professionals.

Spiritual Self-Care

  1. Nature Walks: Spend time outdoors to reconnect with nature and clear your mind.
  2. Spiritual Practices: Engage in activities that nourish your spirit, such as prayer, meditation, or reading spiritual texts.
  3. Gratitude Practice: Maintain a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your life and writing journey.

How to Take Care of Yourself in the Midst of Angst

Similar to how lifting weights will strengthen your muscles, the activities above will strengthen your fortitude and resilience when the poop hits the fan or something happens that knocks your confidence off-kilter.

But what do you do when the bad review comes in? Or when someone is particularly mean online? Or maybe your sales are down or your ad was blocked. Sh1t happens, right? How can you get up when knocked down? Here are a few tips.

1. Take a Break: Step away from your writing and give yourself permission to rest. Even a short break can help clear your mind. While you don’t want to be away from writing too long, it might be necessary to take some time off.

2. Practice Deep Breathing: Engage in deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system and reduce stress. This sounds too easy, when the body and mind are stressed, people tend to take shorter breaths that lead to more tension. There’s a reason why pregnant women are taught breathing exercises for labor. It’s calming. It turns the focus onto something else. It brings more oxygen into the body.

3. Go for a Walk: A change of scenery and some fresh air can do wonders for your mental state. Walking helps clear your mind and can spark new ideas.

4. Engage in Physical Activity: Whether it’s yoga, dancing, or a workout, physical movement can help release pent-up tension and improve your mood.

5. Journal Your Thoughts: I whine a lot in my journal. Sometimes I don’t like that I’m negative in my journal, but ultimately, by writing all my fussing down, I get it out of my head and body. Sometimes the process of writing leads to a better understanding of what the problem is, which can help me find solutions.

6. Listen to Music: Put on some soothing or uplifting music to shift your mood and provide a mental escape. When I was a social worker, I had a few days a week when I had to work in an office in which my coworkers were always negative. On the way to work, I’d listen to Get Over It by the Eagles to psych me up for those days. Create a playlist of songs that perk you up. Here are a few songs to consider:

  • Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.
  • I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
  • Lovely Day by Bill Withers
  • Roar by Katy Perry
  • Firework by Katy Perry
  • Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
  • Happy by Pharrell Williams
  • Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
  • I Am Woman by Helen Reddy
  • Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen
  • Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
  • Unwritten by Natashia Bedingfield
  • Ode to Joy by Beethoven
  • Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
  • Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush

7. Talk to Someone: Reach out to a friend, fellow author, or therapist to share your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, just talking things out can bring relief. I think sometimes we feel like everyone is doing awesome and we’re alone in our challenges. The truth is, others have gone through or are going through many of the same issues you are. It can be nice to realize you’re not alone in the struggle. And sometimes you’ll find tips to help you through it.

8. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation: Spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness or meditation to center yourself and reduce anxiety.

9. Declutter Your Space: This might sound like a weird strategy, but I know for me, sometimes my low mood comes from a disorganized space and mind. A tidy environment can lead to a clearer mind and a renewed sense of control.

10. Revisit Your Why and Goals: Set Small, Achievable Goals: Remind yourself of why you started this journey. Get back that feeling of excitement about writing and sharing your stories with the world.

11. Limit Social Media: This is especially helpful if the source of your challenges is online. Take a break from social media to avoid comparison traps, information overload, and negativity. Focus on what’s important to you. When you go back online, unfollow anyone who posts things that impact you negatively (I’ve had to do this a lot during election cycles).

13. Engage in a Different Creative Activity: Do something creative that isn’t related to writing, like drawing, cooking, or crafting. This can refresh your mind and inspire new ideas.

14. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Sometimes a negative trigger can lead to a spiralling of more negative thinking. I’m prone to this. One bad thing happens and next I’m listing all the bad things that could happen or piling on all the reasons why I suck and won’t be successful. Acknowledge that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and that taking care of yourself is a priority.

15. Take a Power Nap: While you don’t want to hide away and give into the down feelings in a way that reinforces them, there can be a restoration in sleep. A short nap can recharge your energy and improve your mental clarity.

16. Treat Yourself: Do something nice for yourself, whether it’s enjoying a favorite snack, buying yourself flowers, taking a hot bath, or watching a comforting movie.

17. Practice Gratitude: Like deep breathing, gratitude is so easy that you wonder how it can actually work. But it does. Reflect on what you’re grateful for, both in your writing journey and in life. Gratitude can shift your focus away from negative stuff to positivity.

18. Limit Your To-Do List: Just this morning, I erased (not even crossed off) several items on my To Do list. I have stuff from yesterday that didn’t get done because I ended up spending time with my sister and mother. Tomorrow, I have the day blocked off to be with my hubby who is going into surgery. So why did I think I could do all the things? I can’t. So today, I erased (I love erasable pens) several items. Now when I look at my planner, it’s more manageable, and the stress is lowered. Prioritize tasks and allow yourself to push less critical ones to another day. Lightening your load can alleviate stress.

19. Reset Your Goals: Goals offer a roadmap and timeline to your success, but they’re not set in stone. If you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, or perhaps, the plan isn’t working and you need to evaluate and reset, do it. Don’t keep on keepin’ on with something that is making you stressed out especially if it’s not bringing you closer to your goals. Take a breath. Reassess. Make a new plan.

20. Stay Away from Negative Spaces: Okay, so you can’t always do this. Negative Nellys are everywhere. But you can try to avoid or limit time in spaces that you know have negative energy. Social media is one (see number 11), but there are likely others. I tend not to read my Goodreads reviews (by the way, reviews are for readers, not authors, which means you shouldn’t respond to them). I left a Facebook group once because I realized every day there was drama. Sometimes I’d perseverate on it even when I wasn’t online. I don’t need that. I left a critique group that I’d really liked, but a few new players turned the time into something negative and stressful.

21. Seek Professional Help: If feelings of overwhelm persist, consider speaking with a mental health professional. They can offer strategies and support tailored to your needs.


In all you do, you’re only as good as your attitude, energy, and mental health. As they say on the airplane, if the oxygen masks drops down, put yours on first, then help others. The same is true in life. You’re at your best if you take time to care for yourself first. Not in a narcissistic way. But in the way that gives you the energy and mindset to take on the world.

ISBN: A Guide for Indie Romance Authors

ISBN: A Guide for Indie Romance Authors

August 27, 2024 in Blog

Table of Contents

When you set out to write and publish a book, you probably didn’t realize the multitude of hoops required to jump through, especially if you decided to self publish. One of those hoops is understanding ISBN and making a decision about how you’ll obtain one.

In this article, you’ll learn what an ISBN is, determine if you need one, learn where you can get one, how to transfer it if needed, and other tidbits you should be aware of.

What is ISBN?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and it’s a unique 10 or 13-digit number that is used to identify a book’s edition, publisher, format (print, ebook etc) and physical characteristics, such as page count, trim size, and binding type. ISBNs also help retailers, libraries, and distributors find books more efficiently.

What Books Need ISBNs?

ISBNs not only identify the title, but the format of the book, such as print or audio. All print books require an ISBN. Interestingly enough, digital books (e.g. ebooks and digital audiobooks) don’t necessarily need ISBNs. There are several online retailers that don’t require an ISBN for digital books, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play Books, iBooks, Kobo, and Sony.

Do You Need a Separate ISBN for Each Format?

For print, yes, the publishing world requires a unique ISBN for each book format. This is because each format has its own details, like page count and size. Having a different ISBN for each format helps retailers, distributors, and readers find the exact version they want.

  • Hardcover books typically require one ISBN.
  • Paperback books also need their own ISBN, even if the content is the same as the hardcover.
  • Ebooks, in EPUB, MOBI, or PDF, don’t necessarily need an ISBN. Each retailer has their own rules, however having one for each can help readers find the book in the format they need.
  • Audio books on CD (or other tangible form such as tape) would need an ISBN. Audiobooks in digital form, like ebooks, don’t necessarily need an ISBN.

Do You Need a New ISBN for New or Special Editions?

If your book was traditionally published or you’ve made major revisions to a self-published book (that had an ISBN) that you want to republish, it will be a new edition (e.g. 2nd Ed.) and requires a new ISBN.

Special Editions may need new ISBNs if you want them available to retailers. For example, if you have a special edition printed with a new cover, painted edges, or bonus content, it would need a new ISBN to differentiate it from other print options.

What Do the Numbers Mean?

According to Bowker, the numbers have five parts:

  • Prefix 978 or 979
  • Registration Group (national or geographic grouping of publishers, country)
  • Registrant Element (publisher)
  • Publication Element (title or edition of title and format)
  • Check Digit (single digit that validates the ISBN)

Why having an ISBN Matters

For authors and publishers, an ISBN makes books easy to identify, order, and distribute. If you want your books available at book retailers and libraries, it will need an ISBN.

Further, an ISBN allows tracking of sales data and insights across your sales channels.

Here are a few reasons why indie authors should get an ISBN for their books:

  • Increased Discoverability: ISBNs put your book in databases, online stores, and libraries. This makes it easier for readers to find your work, which can lead to more sales.
  • Improved Distribution: Many stores and wholesalers need an ISBN to sell your book. Without it, your book might not be sold in these places, which limits its reach.
  • Professional Legitimacy: Getting an ISBN shows you’re a dedicated, professional author. This can make you look more credible to readers, industry folks, and partners.
  • Simplified Tracking and Analytics: ISBNs help you keep an eye on sales, stock, and other key book stats. This info is crucial for making smart marketing and publishing choices.

Publishing Without An ISBN

While you can publish digital formats without an ISBN, there are a few reasons why you may want to consider getting one for ebooks or digital audio.

For one, it can be more challenging to track ebook sales across retailer platforms without an ISBN. Second, your book won’t be in the Books in Print Database.

Neither of these may be a big deal to you, especially if you’re starting out. But as you grow, knowing your sales, including which formats and platforms are producing and which aren’t, will be crucial to help you plan for marketing and budgeting your book publishing career.

How to Obtain an ISBN

There are two ways to obtain an ISBN; one is free and one isn’t. Right off the bat, you might be thinking, let’s just get the free one. That’s not necessarily wrong, but you should understand ISBN and what a free vs paid one can mean for your book before you decide.

Free ISBN Pros and Cons

Some self-publishing platforms and services offer ISBNs with their packages. For example, Amazon KDP, Draft2Digital, and Ingram Spark will provide you with a free ISBN.

The biggest benefit to getting a free ISBN is that it’s free. It saves money. It’s a cost-effective choice, especially for new authors with a tight budget.

However, there are a few drawbacks you should consider when using a free ISBN. The biggest has to do with the who is listed as the publisher. Companies that give away ISBNs have bought the numbers in bulk and then assign them to you. While it’s your title and author name associated with the ISBN, the company is listed as the publisher instead of you.

Depending on your goals, having Amazon or Ingram Spark listed as the publisher may not be a big deal. However, there is some truth to the idea that some booksellers and libraries won’t carry books that have Amazon listed as the publisher, which is the case when you get a free ISBN from Amazon.

Paid ISBNs Pros and Cons

There are a few reasons why you may want to buy your ISBN(s). One is to have you or your business listed as the publisher, which can make distribution to booksellers and libraries easier. This gives you greater control and easier management and tracking of your book’s sales data.

Another benefit is switching up your publisher/printer. If you decide you want to use Ingram Spark instead of Amazon KDP to print and distribute your books, you can only do this if you own the ISBN (see below for transferring your ISBN).

Another benefit is looking more professional, although this is less so now than in the past. There was a time when readers might have screened books by the publisher in an attempt to weed out indie books once thought to be of lower quality. That’s not the case today.

The negative bit is that ISBNs cost money. One title can add up if you’re publishing in multiple formats such as print trade paperback, hardback, large print, audio, etc, as each requires their own ISBN. Fortunately, you can save big by buying ISBNs in bulk.

Buying ISBNs

U.S. authors can buy ISBNs through Bowker. They are $125 for one number or you can get 10 numbers for $295 or 100 for $575. Remember, 10 numbers can go quickly if you’re publishing multiple formats of your book. Three titles published in three formats and you’ve used up 9 numbers. Note that only Bowker sells ISBNs that you control in the U.S.. Any other place offering to sell you an ISBN is likely selling you one from a batch they bought from Bowker, which means it will be listed as the publisher, not you.

If you’re outside the U.S., you can find your country’s ISBN agency through the International ISBN Agency

How Do You Assign ISBNs?

If you buy your ISBN, the number is then attributed to you as the publisher. You can log into Bowker (or your ISBN agency) and see your number(s).

Once you’re ready to assign a number to a format of your book, you’ll visit your ISBN provider (e.g. Bowker), click on a number, and enter the book details asked for which will include format (e.g. print or hardcover, etc), size, and more. From now until eternity, this number will be linked to this version of the book.

You can’t un-assign a number from a book, nor can you move a number used for one book to another book.

Where Do You Use Your ISBN?

There are several ways to use your ISBN:

  • For print books, you normally have the ISBN on your copyright page
  • If you have an ISBN for your ebook, you can put that ISBN on the ebook version copyright page as well
  • Add to the book information when listing on book retailers. When you upload your book for publishing at your printer (e.g. Amazon KDP, Ingram Spark, Draft2Digital etc), there is a place to input your ISBN, or they may offer you a free ISBN if you don’t have one already.
  • Booksellers will ask for ISBN to order your books. For example, if you’re going to an event with a bookseller who will order your books, in the form they ask you to fill out, you’ll need to put the title and the ISBN.

Transferring Your ISBN to a Different Publisher (e.g. Amazon to Ingram Spark)

First, it’s important to note that you can’t re-assign ISBNs to new books or different formats. Once a number is assigned, it’s forever linked that version of the book.

However, perhaps you want to move your printing and distribution from Amazon to Ingram Spark, and need to transfer specific books’ ISBN to the new printer. This seems like it should be straight foreward, but there are many things to consider and hoops to jump through to make that happen.

In this scenario, you’ve published at Amazon and want to switch up your printer to Ingram Spark or some place else.

Option 1: You bought ISBNs but DID NOT select Expanded Distribution at Amazon

  1. You can use your ISBN and add the book to Ingram Spark as normal (at least that’s what Ingram Spark says)

Option 2: You bought ISBNs and used Expanded Distribution at Amazon

  1. Take your book out of Expanded Distribution (uncheck the box).
  2. Email Amazon to ask them to release the ISBN
  3. Fill out the title transfer form at Ingram Spark
  4. Wait for them to make the change (a month or so)

Option 3: You used a free ISBN from Amazon (You can’t transfer this)

Note, if you use a free ISBN from somewhere, that somewhere is listed as the publisher, and you CAN’T transfer it because it’s not really yours. If you used a free ISBN, but want to change your printer (e.g. move from KDP to Ingram Spark), here’s how:

  1. Buy ISBN(s) from Bowker or your country’s ISBN provider.
  2. Unpublish the book from Amazon
  3. Add the new ISBN to your book’s interior (remember that each format of a book needs its own ISBN so make sure you have the right ISBN in correct book version).
  4. Create a NEW book listing on Amazon and republish the book with the new ISBN but DON’T click expanded distribution. *
  5. Create a listing on Ingram Spark (or new publishing company) with the new ISBN. *

*Note on book editions: If you update the content of your book or you got your rights back on a book from a publisher and are now self-publishing, this would be considered a new edition, and require a new ISBN. What is less clear to me is if you get a new ISBN, is the book now a new edition?

Articles to check out about transferring your ISBN:

Transfer Book from Amazon to Ingram Spark

Using Ingram Spark and KDP Together

Ingram Spark’s information on title transfer

ISBNs and Barcodes

Some authors get confused believing the ISBN and the barcode are the same. While barcodes do have the ISBN information in them, a barcode isn’t an ISBN.

ISBNs don’t require a barcode. Instead, retailers use barcodes to scan books into their computer systems. Barcodes are printed on the back of books and if you publish print books, your publisher (e.g. Amazon KDP) will give you a preview of your print cover with a barcode holding place so you can see where it will go. This is helpful to make sure you don’t have content (e.g. your back of book blurb) where the barcode will be published.


For more information, visit Bowkers My Identifiers FAQ page.

Do you have questions or comments about ISBNs? Let me know in the comments below.

How to Add Humor to Your Romance Novel

How to Add Humor to Your Romance Novel

August 20, 2024 in Blog, Writing Romance

Table of Contents

Who doesn’t love a good laugh, especially when it comes wrapped in a swoon-worthy romance? Whether it’s a witty one-liner, a hilariously awkward situation, or a character’s endearing quirks, humor can add that extra sparkle to a love story.

Humor in romance isn’t just about making readers laugh, though that’s definitely part of it. It’s also about deepening the emotional connection between the characters, creating relatable moments, and sometimes, breaking up those intense scenes with a well-timed joke. Whether you’re going for light and breezy or a more subtle, dry wit, adding a touch of humor can make your love story truly unforgettable.

So, how can you sprinkle that magic into your own writing? Here are a few tips:

Understanding the Role of Humor in Romance

You don’t have to be writing a romcom to have humor in your romance novels. Even dark romances have moments of levity. Let’s explore how humor can work in every type of romance novel.

Building Emotional Connection

Humor has a unique way of bridging the gap between characters and readers. When a character makes a witty remark or finds themselves in a funny situation, it’s easier for readers to see them as real, relatable people. Laughter, after all, is a universal experience. When readers laugh with your characters, they’re more likely to empathize with them, cheer for their happy ending, and remember them long after they’ve finished the book.

Breaking Tension

Romance often involves moments of high emotion, whether that’s heartfelt confessions, passionate disagreements, intense internal struggles, or even danger. While these scenes are crucial for driving the story forward, they can sometimes become overwhelming if not balanced with lighter moments. That’s where humor comes in. A well-placed joke, a funny misunderstanding, or a lighthearted exchange can diffuse tension, giving both the characters and readers a moment to breathe. This balance between tension and relief not only keeps the story from becoming too heavy, but also makes the emotional peaks feel even more impactful.

Highlighting Character Traits

Humor is also an excellent way to showcase your characters’ personalities. A character’s sense of humor—or lack thereof—can reveal a lot about them. For instance, a hero with a dry, sarcastic wit might come across as guarded or cynical, while a heroine who laughs at her own clumsiness might seem endearing and down-to-earth. Through humor, you can highlight your characters’ quirks, flaws, and unique perspectives, making them more complex and three-dimensional. This not only adds depth to your characters but also makes them more relatable and lovable to your readers.

Types of Humor to Consider

Adding humor to your romance novel can be like seasoning a dish—you want just the right amount to enhance the flavor without overpowering the main ingredients. Luckily, there are several types of humor you can sprinkle into your story to keep your readers smiling and engaged.

Situational Humor

Ever found yourself laughing out loud at a character’s predicament? That’s situational humor at work! This type of humor arises naturally from the plot or character interactions. Maybe your heroine accidentally shows up to a fancy dinner in her yoga pants, or the hero ends up stuck in an elevator with his ex. These funny scenarios don’t feel forced because they stem from the story itself, making the humor feel authentic and relatable. Plus, these moments often reveal a lot about your characters and how they handle unexpected situations.

Think of Lucy in the chocolate factory. Bridget Jones’ Diary is filled with situations in which Bridget is out of her element or her quirky behavior makes her stand out.

Dialogue-Driven Humor

I love banter! Dialogue-driven humor comes from the clever, playful, or sometimes downright snarky exchanges between characters. Whether it’s a flirty back-and-forth between love interests or a sassy remark from a best friend, sharp dialogue can add sparkle to your story. It’s also a great way to showcase the chemistry between characters, making their connection feel more dynamic and real. The key is to keep the banter light and natural—like a verbal dance that’s fun for everyone involved.

Here is an example from The Thin Man  (yes, it’s a mystery, but I love the banter between Nick and Nora, and whoever else they’re talking to).

Reporter: Say, is he working on a case?

Nora: Why, yes –

Reporter: What case is it?

Nora: A case of Scotch. Go in and help him.

Physical Comedy

Think awkward situations or those laugh-out-loud moments where a character’s physical actions take center stage. Maybe your hero trips over his own feet while trying to impress the heroine, or the heroine has a hilariously disastrous first attempt at cooking dinner. Physical comedy can add a layer of lightheartedness to your story, especially when things get a bit too serious. Just be sure not to overdo it—a little clumsiness can be endearing, but too much can tip into slapstick territory.

Satire and Parody

If you love playing with romance tropes, satire and parody might be your go-to humor style. This involves gently poking fun at the clichés we all know and love (or sometimes love to hate) in the romance genre. Maybe your characters are fully aware they’re caught in a “fake relationship” trope and make jokes about it, or you exaggerate a well-known romance scenario to highlight its silliness. This type of humor not only entertains but also invites readers in on the joke, making them feel like insiders in the world of romance fiction.

Self-Deprecating Humor

There’s something charming about a character who can laugh at themselves. Self-deprecating humor allows your characters to poke fun at their own flaws, mistakes, or situations. Maybe your heroine jokes about her bad luck in love, or your hero admits he’s hopeless at cooking with a sheepish grin. This type of humor makes characters feel more down-to-earth and relatable, helping readers to root for them even more. It’s also a great way to show personal growth, as characters who can laugh at themselves are often the ones who learn and evolve throughout the story.

Crafting Humorous Characters

I really enjoy having quirky characters in my books. Often they’re side characters such as Jack Valentine’s grandmother Cora. But sometimes even my main characters have some humorous quirks, such as Sophie Parker in my cozy mystery series.

The Comedic Relief

Every great romance can benefit from a secondary character who brings the laughs. This is the friend, sibling, or co-worker (or in my case octogenarian relatives) who adds a dash of humor to the mix without stealing the spotlight from the main couple. Think of the best friend who always has a sarcastic comment ready or the quirky neighbor who’s full of bizarre advice. These characters can lighten the mood during more serious moments and provide a counterbalance to the tension in the main romance. The key is to make sure they enhance the story rather than overshadow it, adding just the right amount of humor to keep things fun.

The Featheringtons offer this in the Bridgerton series.

The Witty Protagonist

Who doesn’t love a lead character with a sharp wit? Whether it’s a heroine with a quick comeback for every situation or a hero who uses humor to mask his vulnerabilities, a witty protagonist can add layers to your story. This type of character keeps readers on their toes, making interactions lively and unpredictable. Their humor can also be a tool for character development, revealing hidden depths or insecurities as they use humor to navigate tricky situations. A protagonist with a dry sense of humor or a playful attitude can make your romance not just sweet, but also smart and engaging.

Elizabeth Bennet offers this sort of wit.

The Lovable Fool

Sometimes, it’s the character who’s a bit clumsy, naive, or just plain goofy that steals our hearts. The lovable fool is the one who stumbles into awkward situations, makes endearing mistakes, or has a charmingly naïve outlook on life. Think Bridget Jones. Their humor comes from their innocence or their ability to laugh at themselves, which often makes them incredibly relatable and endearing to readers. This type of character can serve as a perfect foil to a more serious love interest, balancing out the story with moments of lightheartedness and warmth. Their blunders and quirks don’t just add humor—they also make them incredibly human and lovable.

Tips for Writing Effective Humor

Writing humor can be one of the most enjoyable parts of crafting a romance novel, but it can also be tricky to get just right. Humor is subjective, and what makes one person laugh might not have the same effect on another. However, with a few tips and some thoughtful practice, you can make sure your humor lands just as you intend it to. Here’s how to make your funny moments truly shine.

Know Your Audience

The first step in writing effective humor is understanding who you’re writing for. Different readers have different tastes when it comes to humor. Some may appreciate clever wordplay and witty banter, while others might enjoy more slapstick or situational comedy. Consider the tone of your novel and the demographic of your readers—what kind of humor will resonate most with them? For example, if you’re writing a light, contemporary romance aimed at a younger audience, you might include more pop culture references or playful sarcasm. On the other hand, a more mature audience might prefer subtler, more sophisticated humor. Tailoring your humor to your target readers ensures that it enhances their reading experience.

Know Your Humor Style

While some people might be viewed as funny (e.g. Robin Williams), nearly everyone has at least a base-level sense of humor. To be funny without seeming like you’re trying too hard, you need to find your own style of humor. What sorts of humor do you gravitate to when you read or watch TV/Movies? I love comedy, but I’m not a fan of potty humor unless it’s coming from a six-year-old boy (6-year-olds love the word “butt”.).

What sorts of things do you say or do that make people laugh? Do you tell stories about situations or your childhood? Are you self-deprecating? Are you good with puns or wordplay?

Have Fun with Cliches

Comedy can come from offering the unexpected to conventions. Let’s face it, romance is filled with genre and trope cliches that you can use to poke fun. In my book, Wed to You, when Jagger proposes a marriage of conveniences, Chelsea’s first thought is “who does that except in romance novels?” It’s a wink at how silly this trope is while still fulfilling the expectations of the trope.

Life is Stranger than Fiction

My mom and sister often tell me about names or situations they’ve come across that they think will be great for a book. Real life is a great place to mine funny content. For example, my step-father tells stories about growing on a farm in rural Pennsylvania. He often talks about Junior Junior, who is Junior’s son. This, of course, made it into a Sophie Parker book (as did a handful of other names).

Because my stories take place in rural Virginia, moonshine makes a appearance every-now-and-then. I used it in Meant to Be in which Mitch tells Sydney that he’s bought home-brewed moonshine (illegally made) from a guy that sells it from the jail parking lot. This idea came from my hubby telling me how a guy he knows sells moonshine from the trunk of his car in the parking lot of a prison.

Sometimes the funniest situations come from everyday life. Keep a notebook or have a file on your phone where you can record these funny stories, jokes, or whatever makes you smile or laugh.

Catch the Reader Off Guard

Sometimes humor comes from subverting the expected pattern using the element of surprise. Many comics use the rule of three for this purpose in which they give a normal statement, add another element that makes sense, and then a third that’s crazy. For example:

“He’s great at cooking, cleaning, and avoiding commitment.”

“All I wanted was a quiet evening, a good movie, and my cat to stop judging my life choices.”

Read Widely

One of the best ways to improve your humor writing is to read other romance novels that effectively use humor. Pay attention to how other authors incorporate humor into their stories—notice the timing, the style, and how the humor fits into the overall narrative. What types of humor make you laugh? How do they build the romantic tension or reveal character traits?

Note that you don’t have to read solely romcoms to learn about humor in writing. By studying a variety romance novels, you can gain inspiration and insight into what makes humor work in different contexts. This not only helps you develop your own style, but also broadens your understanding of how humor can enhance a love story.

Here are examples that showcase how humor can enhance a love story.

Classic Romance with Humor

Let’s start with the OG of romance humor, Jane Austen and her most famous story, Pride and Prejudice. In all of her books, Jane pokes fun of society in a subtle yet cutting way, and you can see it best in Pride and Prejudice. It starts with the opening line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”

Here are a few more:

“An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.” Mr. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

“What are men to rocks and mountains?” Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

“For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?” Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

But you don’t have to go back that far to find “historical” romances with humor. Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series is famous not just for its swoon-worthy romances, but also for its sharp wit and humorous dialogue.

Similarly, Georgette Heyer, often hailed as the queen of Regency romance, was a pioneer in blending humor with romance. Her novels, like The Grand Sophy, are filled with clever repartee and amusing situations that make the romantic journey light-hearted and fun.

Contemporary Romance with Humor

Before the official term “romcom” there were humorous contemporary romance novels. Some started out in “chick-lit” (now usually called women’s fiction), such as Bridget Jones’ Diary by Helen Fielding or the Shopaholic series by Sohpie Kinsella.

Personally, I feel like Susan Elizabeth Philips is the OG of the contemporary romcom. Her Chicago Stars series often have a quirky female lead and humorous situations.

Another OG is Jennifer Crusie, who has a Janet Evanovich vibe (did you know Janet wrote romance too?). I can’t remember which book it was, but Jennifer had a sexy bit that had issues as they knocked over a lamp and struggled with the act. It was the first time I read a spicy scene in which not everything went smoothly.

Another standout is Talia Hibbert, whose Brown Sisters trilogy combines steamy romance with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Her characters are quirky, real, and often hilariously self-aware, making the humor feel fresh and contemporary. Novels like Get a Life, Chloe Brown show how modern romance can be both sexy and funny, with humor that feels authentic and relevant to today’s readers.

Here are some examples of humor in darker romances.

JR Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood has breaks of humor, especially from the fallen angel Lassiter. Vishous and Butch’s bromance is funny at times as well.

JD Robb’s In Death books have a good amount of humor mixed in with the gritty darkness of police procedural crime. I love Eve and Roarke’s relationship, especially the banter. Eve also has no clue about metaphorical statements, often saying them wrong.

Eve: “Don’t climb on your golden horse with me, Roarke. Don’t you even start.”
Roarke: “That would be high horse, Lieutenant.”
From Vengeance in Death

Roarke: “You need more sleep.”
Eve: “Skillet, pan.”
Roarke: “What?”
Eve: “You know, the skillet says the pan’s the same deal.”
Roarke: “I believe that’s the pot calling the kettle black.”
Eve: “Whatever, kitchen stuff can’t talk anyway.”
From Indulgence in Death

Eve: “Business is dog eat cat, right?”
Roarke: “Dog.”
Eve: “I said dog.”
Roarke: “Dog eat dog.”
Eve: “That’s just stupid. Dogs eat cats. Everybody knows that.”
Roarke: “I stand corrected. Business is dog eat cat.”
Eve: “Like I said.”
From Delusion in Death

Balancing Humor with Romance

While humor can be fun, it’s important to strike the right balance so that the love story remains at the forefront. Too much humor at the wrong time can overshadow the romance, but when used well, it can enhance the emotional depth of your story. Here’s how to keep that balance just right.

Timing is Everything

In romance, timing isn’t just crucial for love—it’s also key to landing the perfect joke. Well-placed humor can lighten the mood during a tense moment or bring a smile after an emotional scene, but it’s important not to disrupt the romantic flow. For example, a funny line right after a heartfelt confession might dilute the emotional impact, while a humorous exchange during a lighter scene could deepen the connection between characters.

Tone Consistency

Humor should feel like a natural part of your story, not something that jars the reader out of the world you’ve created. This means matching the style and level of humor to the tone of your novel. If you’re writing a light-hearted, breezy romance, you can play with more overt, playful humor. On the other hand, if your story has a more serious or dramatic tone, a subtler, more refined wit might be a better fit. Keeping the humor consistent with your story’s overall tone ensures that it complements the romance, rather than clashing with it.

Avoiding Overkill

As much as we love to laugh, too much of a good thing can start to feel overwhelming or repetitive. Using humor sparingly helps keep it fresh and impactful. If every page is filled with jokes, the humor can lose its punch and distract from the romantic storyline. Instead, let the funny moments shine by spacing them out, allowing readers to savor the humor while staying invested in the love story. Remember, in romance, the emotional journey of the characters should always be front and center, with humor playing a supportive, enriching role.

Be Careful with Snarky Leads

Snark can be fresh and funny, but too much of it can turn readers off. This is especially true of main characters. If everything out of their mouths is snark, it may annoy readers and make the character unlikable.

Practice and Revision

Even the most naturally funny people can benefit from revising their humorous scenes. Writing humor is an art, and like any art, it gets better with practice. When you’re drafting a scene intended to be funny, don’t worry if it doesn’t feel perfect right away. Humor often improves with revision. Try rephrasing jokes, tweaking timing, or tightening up dialogue to make the humor sharper and more effective.

It’s also helpful to read your scenes aloud or share them with a trusted reader to see if the humor lands as you intended. Sometimes what seems funny in your head doesn’t translate on the page, and that’s where revision becomes your best friend.

Remember that you don’t have to write a romcom to infuse your story with humor. Even in the darkest romances, there is often bits of humor to add relief from the tension and give characters more depth.

Do you have other tips for writing funny? Let me know in the comments below.

How to Create a Romance Author Pen Name

How to Create a Romance Author Pen Name

August 6, 2024 in Blog, Marketing, Writing Romance

Table of Contents

Amanda Quick
Jayne Castle
Nora Roberts
J.D. Robb
Bella Andre
Christina Lauren
E.L. James

What do all the above have in common besides writing romance?

They’re all pen names.

I once saw an interview with Nora Roberts where she said she thought she was required to have a pen name when she first sought publication. Eleanor Robertson then became Nora Roberts. And when she was asked to create another name to avoid saturating the market, she decided to write a futuristic police procedural under the name J.D. Robb.

Are pen names required? No. At least not usually. Harlequin often asks for one so they can have some control over the author brand, but in general, if you want to use your given name, you can.

But for a variety of reasons, you may want to use a pen name (or several, as some authors do). If that’s the case, here are things to know and tips on creating a pen name.

Why Use a Pen Name?

Sometimes referred to as pseudonym or nom de plume, pen names are used by authors for many different reasons. Here are just a few:

  • Hide your identity: I once heard a romance author say her family insisted that she use a pen name because they didn’t want people to know she wrote romance. Pfft…what’s wrong with romance? With that said, many authors don’t want it known that they write romance. Sometimes it’s because they’re writing erotica or extra spicy stories, but sometimes it has nothing to do with heat factor. Sometimes it’s the genre itself, since romance has a stigma of being fluff. Eloisa James (Mary Bly) was a university professor when she started writing historical romance. However, you may want a pen name simply want to maintain your privacy.
  • Separate brands: Some authors are already known by another name in a different genre and want to avoid confusing readers. For example, Nora Roberts and J.D. Robb each have different “brands” even though it’s the same person. Or Jayne Ann Krentz and Amanda Quick, same authors but one publishes contemporary romantic suspense and the other historical romance. Or finally, J.K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, same author, different genres.
  • Your name is the same or similar to someone else already famous: Did you know Emma Stone, Michael Keaton, and many other actors were forced to come up with new names because someone with the same name was already in SAG-AFTRA? If your name is Joanna Rowling or Nora Robertson, you may want to choose a new name even though these aren’t exactly the same as Joanne (J.K.) Rowling or Nora Roberts. Why? For one, you don’t want to risk being sued, but also, you don’t want your readers making the mistake of finding the more well-known author instead of you.
  • The name is already taken in social media or website URL: If someone is already using your name on social media or has a website with your name, choosing another name can help avoid confusion.
  • Your name is long or difficult to spell: You want to make it easy for readers to search for and find you. A long or complex name can make this difficult.
  • Writing in a different gender or to hide your gender: It’s well known now that Georg Elliot (Mary Ann Evans) was a woman. The Bronte sisters wrote under Acton Bell and Ellis Bell. Many female authors used initials when writing in a male-dominating genre, such as crime or horror. However, men write romance too, using female pen names. Two popular authors in the late 20th century were Jennifer Wilde (Tom Huff) and Leigh Greenwood (Harold Lowery).
  • Attract readers: Let’s face it, romance writers have a long history of names that scream romance. If your name is Jane Plain (no offense to any real Jane Plains), readers may subconsciously avoid your books, unless they’re looking for a sweet romance. Anyone looking for a sweet romance might be put off by an author named Ava Wildnight.
  • Poor sales under another name. If you have a name that isn’t selling (particularly in traditional publishing), you can pick a new name and start over.
  • For the fun of it. I’ll admit, I have a list of pen names that I think would be fun.

Note that you can’t use a pen name to hide from legal obligations whether you owe money, have a warrant out on you, or have a contract with a publisher. For example, changing my name wouldn’t nullify my contract and give me rights back to any of my traditionally published work.

The Challenge of Using a Pen Name

The biggest challenge of using a pen name is being more than one person. This is mostly a factor if you’re already busy maintaining a brand under your own name. Managing two Facebook, two Instagram, two websites, two emails, etc isn’t easy.

Going to events as a pen name can be interesting, although I’ve managed it. I’ve gone to events in which I’ve been two authors. Today, most events I go to my author friends ask me who I am while there. I answer to all my names now. Of course, if you’re hiding that you write romance, you won’t go to events, which is a shame because they’re fun, inspiring, and a great way to sell books.

Another issue is maintaining anonymity if that’s your goal. Today, anyone who really wants to find you can. There are a few things you can do to make it harder, but there’s no guarantee that others won’t find out about your pen name.

Crafting an Awesome Pen Name

It’s important to remember that the name you pick will become your brand. It’s also one that you may need to learn to respond to when you’re attending signings and book events.

What to Consider When Choosing a Pen Name

Because your pen name will be your brand and needs to attract readers, you need to consider the following when selecting your name:

  1. What is your purpose? Are you trying to maintain your privacy or simply shorten your name? For example, Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote under L.M. Montgomery because she didn’t like her name Lucy (Anne of Green Gables fame). She didn’t change her name, but simply used her initials. V. C. Andrews’ real name was Cleo Virginia Andrews.
  2. Consider Cultural Nuances: A white author just got into hot water for using a Chinese last name for the purpose of making readers think they were Chinese. You also need to consider the cultural meanings of potential pen names. Fanny is a name in the U.S. that some might snicker at, as fanny can also mean “butt.” But in the U.K., fanny is slang for vagina. (This is why many books and movies end up with different titles in different countries.)
  3. Consider Audience Perception: Names like Ava Wildnight can work for spicy romance, but perhaps not sweet or inspirational romance. Think about how your pen name might be seen in different places or by various readers. What works well in one market might not work in another.

Brainstorming Possible Names

This is the fun part.

1. List names that you like: I like to brainstorm first names and last names, playing with them like magnetic poetry. I’ll have a list of first names like Ava or Grace or Maxie or Roxie, and a list of last names like Foxx or Gray or Dumont etc. Then I mix and match:

  • Ava Foxx
  • Ava Gray (this is taken)
  • Ava Dumont (no…I used that as a character in a book)
  • Grace Foxx
  • Grace Gray
  • etc.

2. List family names: Mine your family tree for names. My sister chose her middle name with a variation of our grandmother’s maiden name. Gray and Arrington are names in my family tree that I like. I’d love to use them together such as Emma Gray Arrington, but that’s too long.

3. Check out baby name books or websites: I love this for character naming, but it’s a great way to search for pen names. You can look up popular names from the year you were born. Or perhaps names that have your same initials.

4. Use a pen name generator. Here are a few you can check out:

  • Reedsy’s Pen Name Generator: Enter a first letter, the name’s gender (or neutral), and the language, then click Generate Name (I was given Jane Blake).
  • Masterpiece Pen Name Generator: Fill out a list of prompts and then click Generate to get a list of possible names for various genres. It gave me Suellen Mikedress, Skye-Anne Sillyflower, and Shelley Thornlove as possible pen names.
  • Fantasy Name Generator: Writing a fantasy or even Victorian romance, this name generator has hundreds of types of names. You can click on “Random Generator” to be taken to one of the many options, or select a specific generator to get 10 names. I selected Red Queen Names, then clicked the “Female” option below the list and was given: Claire Wallace, Fory Cole, Hollie Whistle, Willow Farley and more.
  • Fake Name Generator: Enter the gender (or random), the name set (Country background), and language. Under advanced options, you can select age as well. It gave me Mary R. Boudreaux. (This makes me think of Jack Boudreaux from Tami Hoag’s Cry Wolf…I loved that book!)

Narrowing Down Your Options

Once you have a list of possible names, it’s time to assess and research them.

  1. Does it fit with your genre and subgenre? Again, you want a name that fits with the type of book you’re writing. A name like Serinity Grace fits will with sweet or inspirational fiction, whereas Ava Wildnight doesn’t.
  2. Is it easy to pronounce, spell, and remember? For example, I love the sound of the name Saoirse, but many readers wouldn’t know that it sounds like Sersha. And if I said “Sersha” they wouldn’t know to search for Saoirse when looking for me or my books.
  3. Search for the author’s name on Amazon. I love the name Ava Gray, but it’s already taken. Aside from possible legal hassles, I wouldn’t want my readers accidentally going to her books. Also consider how close the name is to another author. Could I get away with Avaline Gray? Or Ava Grayson? Maybe, but I have to consider again if readers might confuse that name with Ava Gray’s.
  4. Search for the name’s URL. You can type the name with .com into your browser (e.g., but you’ll also want to search the domain in registrar to make sure someone hasn’t bought it, but isn’t yet using it.
  5. Search for social media profiles that already use the name. Again, your goal is to choose a name that isn’t already in use. This is a challenge depending on the name you want to use. There are other Jenna Harte’s in the world. If you find your name, but they’re not an author, can add “author” to your social profile name (e.g. @JennaHarteAuthor)
  6. Do a trademark search in your country. While you can’t trademark a given name, it is possible to trademark a pen name. Odds are, you’d know the name is taken as trademark requires known branding behind the name. But it doesn’t hurt to check your country’s trademark office:
    1. US Trademark Search
    2. UK Trademark Search
    3. Canada Trademark Search
    4. If you’re in a different country, search your country and trademark office in Google. (E.G. Australia trademark office).

Even if your name isn’t trademarked, do be careful. Don’t use existing big names in any industry. First, you don’t want to send your readers to someone else by accident. Second, you don’t want to risk a lawsuit. For example, you don’t want the pen name of Dolly Parton or anything similar, such as Dollie Parden.

Establishing Your Pen Name

Let me start by saying that I’m not a lawyer nor an expert on intellectual property. Please check with a lawyer if you have questions or concerns. But here is some basic information to guide you through using and protecting your pen name.

Assuming you’ve done the work above and made sure the name is available for use, here’s how to set about using the name:

  1. Buy the domain for your pen name. Even if you don’t plan to set up a website yet, buy the domain URL and get it with .com (not .net or any other ending). It will cost $10 to $20 and ensure that you own the name when you do decide to build a website. It also protects you from someone else buying the name and using it, which could confuse readers. Imagine choosing Serenity Grace for a sweet romance author name, but someone else buys it and uses it for porn. If you’re hiding yourself behind a pen name, pay the extra for privacy so that anyone looking up the WHOIS for the domain information won’t see your given name as the owner. I use Godaddy for my domains but you have other options.
  2. Set up social media profiles in your pen name. You don’t need to be everywhere in social media. Instead, think about where your readers hangout to learn about the type of books you write. This could be TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  3. Set up your business using your pen name or a publishing name. You can use your pen name as a business, or set up a publishing business and have your pen name be a business under it. You can operate as a sole proprietor to avoid the paperwork and cost of setting up an LLC (although down the road you’ll want to consider setting up an LLC). With an official business (sole proprietor or LLC) you can open a business banking account, which will be important to write-off your publishing expenses on your taxes. I’m not a business or tax expert, so please discuss this with your financial advisor and attorney to make sure you’re doing what’s best for you.
  4. Submit a Fictitious Name Statement (sometimes called Doing Business As). Check with your city or county clerk’s office on how to do this. You can probably do it online for a $10 or so fee. If you set up an LLC under a different name (for example I have a business name for my LLC), and want to use a pen name that is different, you may need to do an FNS or DBA under both names; one for the LLC and one for the pen name business within your LLC.
  5. If you’re traditionally published or want to be, give your agent or publisher your pen name. You can submit your queries with your given name and pen name, for example: Sally Sue writing as Sally Grace. When signing contracts, sometimes you can use your pen name, but more often you’ll use your legal name.
  6. Use your pen name on your books, marketing, copyright notice, and other materials produced for the name. Use your legal name on contracts and business accounts. For example, your business name may be your pen name (and people can write checks to you in that name) but your bank will have your legal name on the account.
  7. Register the copyright for your work. You can use your pen name, but over at Jane Friedman’s site, Attorney Helen Sedwich recommends registering your work under both your pen name and legal name. If you’re hiding behind a pen name, you should be okay because readers aren’t likely to hunt you down by copyright. You might want to check out Helen’s book, The Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook for more great tips to keep your publishing empire on the right track.

Protecting Your Pen Name: Copyright and Trademark Considerations

You can’t copyright your pen name. You can only copyright work created by the pen name.

You can trademark your name, but you need to prove that the pen name is a unique brand. When you hear J.K. Rowling, you think of all things Harry Potter. Dr. Seuss is trademarked as well. Most authors don’t go through the time and expense of trademarking their name.

Every now and then, do a search or set up Google Alerts to keep track of your pen name. If another author is trying to use it and you haven’t trademarked it, you can send them a note to let them know the name is being used and indicate why it’s not to their advantage to use an existing name (they might send their readers to you by accident). If that doesn’t work, contact a lawyer.

Building a Brand with Your Pen Name

I gave a list above of author pen names. When you read them, what do you think of?

Nora Roberts
J.D. Robb
Christina Lauren
E.L. James

Their names tell us what they write because the name is their brand.

What is a brand? I love the definition of brand being a promise of an experience. When I pick up J.D. Robb, I know what I’m getting and she delivers every time. That’s what you want for your readers. When they see your pen name, they’re excited because they know what sort of romantic adventure they’ll be going on.

This is why many romance writing courses recommend staying in a single lane with your writing. While some authors have gotten away with criss-crossing genres, writing across different genres can make it hard for readers to know what they’ll get. If I pick up Jayne Ann Krentz, I know I’ll get a contemporary romantic suspense, which I love. Amanda Quick readers get a historical romance. Same author, different brands.

So how do you build your brand?

  1. Build your identity. Note that I’m not saying create a different person. In this case, I’m talking about branding assets: your picture or logo, tagline, color scheme, etc. When it comes to your picture, an image of a person creates greater connection with readers, but if you’re hiding that you write romance, you can create a logo in Canva (many authors have a logo).
  2. Be consistent with your brand. Have the same name, photo or logo, and tag lines across all your platforms from your website and social media, books, ads, etc. Stick within your romance subgenre, including tone for your books. One thing I wish I’d done is choose a pen name for my cozy mysteries to separate them from my romances since cozy mystery readers don’t usually like to read spicy stuff and my other mystery series has some spice. Staying consistent makes it easy for readers to recognize your work and your unique name.
  3. Engage with your readers under your pen name: Connect with readers by joining online groups, answering their questions, and sharing interesting tidbits about yourself (within your comfort level). Be consistent with your tone and attitude. Pippa Grant has a picture of herself with unicorn horn and the opening of her bio is, “Pippa Grant wanted to write books, so she did.” Her emails are quirky and fun. Rina Kent uses a logo on her author page and her bio, while interesting, doesn’t have the quirky tone that Pippa’s does.

Side Note: One concern many authors have is about deception and having readers get mad learning the name they’ve come to know you by isn’t really your name. Most readers understand authors use pen names. Plus, you can be you just under a different name. Your interests and personality don’t have to change. It shouldn’t. You should be authentic. At the same time, you don’t have to reveal all of you all the time.

Do you have other tips or ideas for using a pen name? Let me know in the comments below!

Ways Romance Writers Can Save on Their Self-Publishing Budget

Ways Romance Writers Can Save on Their Self-Publishing Budget

July 30, 2024 in Blog, Editing, Marketing, Publishing, Tools & Resources

Table of Contents

I saw a post in a Facebook indie author group asking how important it was to hire an editor because they had limited funds. The truth is, while self-publishing is affordable, to do it right involves some investment. From editing and formatting, to covers and marketing, there are many tasks in the self-publishing process that cost money.

Budgeting in self-publishing is crucial to maximize profitability because it allows you to allocate resources effectively, ensuring that essential aspects receive the necessary investment and avoiding spending on non-essential items. The good news is that there are areas where you can lower your expenses in publishing and marketing your book, especially if you’re willing to invest a little time and elbow grease.

With that said, there are some areas where you should invest money, but even in those cases, there are ways to cut down on the costs.

Why Investing in Your Book is Important

Before we talk about how to save, let’s talk about why you should spend some money.

What is your goal? 

If you’re seeing self-publishing as a way to make extra income or a living, creating the best product you can will be important to achieving that goal. Part of what makes a great product is quality production and packaging.

If, however, you just want to publish a book and don’t care if it sells or not, then you can get away with not investing so much in it’s creation.

Your Product

When you pick books to read, or buy things in general, what factors have you taking an interest, and then deciding to buy? For most people, how the items look (the cover) and the quality of production play a role in a purchase. This is the same for people who are looking at your book.

Areas to Invest

There are three areas where I believe authors should be willing to invest money in a quality book and successful book sales. They are:

  1. Editing: If your goal is to make money with your books, then you should put out the best product you can. To do that, you need to have a professional edit. I know editors who write but don’t edit their own books because it’s nearly impossible for authors to edit their work. You’ll read what you intended to write. You’ll lose focus because you’ve already spent so much time in the story.
  2. Cover Design: The cover is the first thing a reader sees and makes the decision if they want to read the description and buy the book. A poorly designed cover won’t attract readers. They pass it without a second glance.
  3. Email list: Good news is that with an email list service that offers landing pages, you can build a list of readers without a website. Yes, social media is free and a good way to attract readers, but readers who give their email have taken a greater interest in you, raised their hands saying they want to hear from you, and are more likely to see what you post.

There are other tasks you can spend money on such as formatting, ads, tools, and more, but there are also ways to DIY or alternatives that can eliminate or reduce your expense. The above three items are where I’d recommend budget-conscious publishers focus their money in the beginning.

How to Save On Your Publishing Expenses

We’ll talk about some DIY publishing tasks in a bit, but I want to start by giving ideas on how to save on the areas in which you really should budget some money to produce a professional quality book.

How to Save on Editing

While you should spend money on a professional edit, you can save on editing services by delivering the cleanest copy of your manuscript possible. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Self-Edit Thoroughly: Self-editing not only reduces the amount of work your professional editor needs to do, but also lowers your overall costs. You won’t catch everything, but do the best you can read your manuscript to catch all the errors in spelling and grammar. Word and Google both offer basic spelling and grammar checks. Depending on the version of Word you use, there are other areas it can check your manuscript, such as Clarity (which will catch issues like passive voice), Conciseness, and Inclusivity (sensitivity elements). Before fancy editing tools, I usually did my edits by focusing on one revision task at a time through various passes of the book. For example, I’d focus on plot and story in pass 1, grammar/spelling in pass 2, filler words in pass 3, and so on.
  • Listen to Your Manuscript: Hank Philippe Ryan told me about how she listens to her manuscript during her edits. When you listen, the errors will stand out more than when you read. Word offers Read Aloud, which will read your manuscript. Google Docs offers verbalizing using a Chrome App like Chromvox. Or simply read out loud yourself.
  • Use Alpha Readers: While alpha readers don’t replace professional editors, they can help you refine your manuscript and reduce the number of revisions needed later on. Alpha readers read your story early on (as opposed to beta readers who read ARCs) to provide valuable feedback on your story, characters, and overall structure. They can help you identify plot holes, inconsistencies, and areas that need improvement, similar to a developmental editor.
  • Critique Partner: If you’re willing to read another author’s manuscript, find another author willing to swap manuscripts and provide editing feedback. This can be a cost-effective way to get another pair of eyes on your work.
  • Barter: If you know an editor and you have a skill they might need, consider bartering for services.
  • Look for newer editors: Experienced editors can usually charge more, whereas a new editor in the marketplace will sometimes charge less as way to jumpstart their business. With that said, try to find a new editor that has some experience. Using a resource like Upwork, you can find newer editors that also will have a few reviews.
  • Negotiate Payment Plans: Some editors may offer payment plans or be willing to negotiate their rates, especially if you’re a repeat client or can offer referrals. Don’t hesitate to discuss your budget constraints and see if there’s a way to make the cost more manageable. Just make sure you’re fair. Don’t ask editors to work for peanuts.

How to Save on Cover Design

There are many great design tools such as Canva or AI, but if you don’t understand graphic design, you really should hire a cover designer. Remember, as readers scroll through Amazon, the cover is what will have them stop and take a look, or pass on by.

Here are tips for saving on book cover design:

  • Develop your design concept. Check out this post on covers to learn more about what you need to consider when creating a cover. The clearer you are with your designer, the fewer the edits and lower the cost (most designers allow a couple of tweaks, but beyond that, they’ll charge). It can be helpful to share existing covers you like the help them understand what you’re going for.
  • Invest in Design Templates: Purchase pre-made cover design templates from sites like Creative Market or Etsy. These templates are created by professional designers and can be customized to fit your book’s theme and genre, providing a polished look at a fraction of the cost.
  • Hire a Designer with a Template Option: Many designers have pre-made templates that they can easily tweak to fit your needs. This is less expensive than if they create a design from scratch.
  • Hire Freelance Designers: Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork offer access to freelance designers who can create custom covers at various price points. Look for designers with good reviews and a portfolio that matches your vision. Freelancers often provide competitive rates compared to design agencies.
  • Negotiate Payment Plans: Some cover designers may offer payment plans or be willing to negotiate their rates, especially if you’re a repeat client or can offer referrals. My designer offers a discount for repeat customers or multiple orders. Don’t hesitate to discuss your budget constraints and see if there’s a way to make the cost more manageable. Just make sure you’re fair. Don’t ask designers to work for peanuts.
  • Check out GetCovers: I haven’t used this service, but I know many authors who have. You can get a basic cover for $10 and premium cover for $35.

Save on Email Lists

As you’re getting ready to publish, you should be marketing you book as well. Be sure to check out this post on How and When to Start Marketing Your Romance Book….hint…it’s before it’s published.

List Services Not only does have a free level for up to 2,000 subscribers, but you can use it as your website, sell books and merch, build a community, blog, and more. If I were starting today, is the option I’d use.

Mailerlite: Recently, I helped my sister set up her website and mailing list, and we started with MailChimp as it has a free option. BUT…that free option didn’t include an autoresponder, which is a crucial element to an email list. When someone signs up for your list, the list service needs to automatically send out a welcome email.

There were a couple more options, but we went with MailerLite because it’s free option offered up to 1,000 subscribers, 12,000 monthly emails (e.g. with 1000 subscribers you can send 12 emails a month, which is likely more than you need). Plus, it has landing pages, signup forms, and an autoresponder. Once you exceed 1,000 subscribers, you’ll have to pay.

Aweber: I’ve been with Aweber forever and have been happy with the service. It has a free option with landing page and autoresponder up to 500 subscribers. I’ll admit I’m biased, but that’s because I’ve been using it for a long time. It has great customer support, lots of tutorials and helpful articles, and is always adding new features.

Whatever you decide about your list service, pick one with a landing page feature. This will basically give you a “website” where readers can sign up for your email list until you decide to build a website. Here is a sample landing page I have for the 2023 WWH Preptober/Writevember Challenge. (NOTE: Don’t fill out the form on this page. This challenge is over for 2023. I’m just sharing it as an example of a landing page).

DIY Publishing Expenses

Below are some areas you can pay for, but you can DIY without too much impact on the quality of your book.


Formatting your book is important, but if you’re willing to play around with your doc, and are careful to check your proofs, you can do this on your own. Formatting depends in part on where you intend to publish and what format. Kindlepreneur has an extensive multi-part tutorial on formatting.

If you’re wanting to use a tool to format, here are a few you can try:

Scrivener: This is a writing software, but it has an export option that will format your book. It’s a very affordable $59

Vellum: I bought a Mac laptop just to have this software because no PC alternative existed at the time (now there is, see below). This is spendy at $249.

Atticus: This is like Vellum but for PC, Mac, Chromebook and Linux. It has a few more bells and whistles (according to their comparison chart) at a lower cost ($147)

Publishing Ebooks

Luckily, most publishing platforms are “free” to use. I say free because you don’t have to spend money to publish your book. Instead, you “pay” out of book sales. For example, at Amazon KDP, you can get a 70% royalty from ebooks, which means Amazon keeps 30% when a book sells (there can be a few more fees depending on file size).

Publishing direct at other ebook retailers such as Nook, Kobo, iBooks, etc is free, or you can use Draft2Digital to publish at these and tons of other places (e.g. libraries and more), for free as well. Again, your cost comes from the sale of your book.

IngramSpark used to charge $49 for publishing, but it appears to have eliminated that fee. It does have a revision fee of $25 after 60 days (see full pricing info here-PDF). It will also distribute to various book retailers.

Publishing Print Books

Like ebooks, publishing print books through Amazon KDP is free to set up, and your cost comes from book sales. It will also include a free ISBN for print books.

IngramSpark, too, now offers free set up and free ISBN as well.

Bookvault offers a way to direct sell your books (e.g. from your own website) in a print-on-demand dropship method. It’s free to set up and your cost comes from book sales.

Lulu, like Bookvault also offers a a POD dropship book publishing service.

Other Areas to Save on Your Romance Publishing Budget

I mentioned that you should start marketing your book early, even before publishing. Here are free and low-cost ways to get the word out. Check out WWH’s post on 5-minute book marketing tasks, many of which are free.

Social Media: It’s free to join social media. All it takes is time. I like to use scheduling software tools to help me, which isn’t free, but can be helpful in automating some tasks. I use SocialBee because it will reschedule past posts for me and works with all the major platforms.

Email List Swaps: This is where you agree to share info about another author’s book or lead magnet in with your email list in exchange for them mentioning your book to their subscribers. You can find groups on Facebook that help arrange this (search romance author email swaps). Bookclicker offers a service to help with this as well. It’s free, although along with swaps you can buy space in a newsletter or sell space in yours. These can work well, but you’ll want to focus on finding like authors with similar list sizes for best results.

Marketing Content (graphics, videos, etc): Today, graphics and especially video get the most attention. Probably your best option for free graphic creation is Canva. You can get free graphics from Canva or stockphoto places like Pixabay.

Guest and Tours: This is a great free way to get in front of other author or book influencers’ readers. Visit blogs to see if they have author interview or guest posts. You can hire book tour/review service that can setup blog tours. Check out book podcasts or booktube for influencers who interview authors. Note, you shouldn’t have to pay to be on a podcast or show. You can also look at participating or hosting in author takeovers on social media. Find book influencers and see if they’ll mention or review your book. I’m looking at grabbing this deal at Appsumo for EezyCollab which will allow me to search for book influencers and reach out to them.

Events: I’m a big fan of events, but they can be expensive. You can end up spending close to $1000 for registration, travel, hotel and food. But there are ways to save on t his as well. The first is to check out virtual events which can be cheaper. Second, stick to local events to eliminate the cost of travel. Finally, find local free and low-cost opportunities. Libraries are a great place to talk about and sell your book for free. Search for local book festivals, which often have a table cost less than $50. Join a group of local authors and set up an event, splitting the costs (or see if the library will host you).

Time is Money

When it comes to being a low-budget author, you’ll need to invest time if you can’t invest money, and this is where things can get hard. You want to write your story, but you also need to make social media graphics and post them, hang out with your followers, reach out to bloggers and podcasters, and all the other bits that go into being an indie author (or an author in general).

As your income grows, look at ways to maximize your time and money. Are there tools to automate some of your work, such as social media? Hire a virtual assistant to help with busy work. Run ads (although watch them closely).

To scale up your author business without burnout, you’ll need to spend money, but you’ll want to do it strategically.

Do you have other ideas to help romance authors save in the writing, publishing, and marketing of their books? Let me know in the comments below.

How to Create a Eye-Catching Cover for Your Romance

How to Create a Eye-Catching Cover for Your Romance

July 23, 2024 in Blog, Marketing, Publishing

Table of Contents

While you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, for most readers, a book cover is often the first element of a book that causes a reader to stop and consider reading it.

I think one of the best ways to convey the importance of cover design is to take you through all the iterations of my book, Deadly Valentine. Initially, I made the cover, but as you can see, it’s not visually appealing.

Realizing how unprofessional the first cover looked, I found a cover designer to create a new cover using the same graphic. The first three books of the series had the same style with the title at the top, a graphic in the middle, and my name at the bottom.

But as the books sold, I discovered that romance readers were my primary buyers over mystery readers. I decided to recover the books (by now there were 6 books in the series), to create covers that would appeal to romance readers.


Now all the Valentine covers have the heart with the series name and number, my name, and title. What varies is the coloring, title, and the photo of the couple.

See what a difference a cover can make!

When developing the concept of your romance book cover, you’ll need to look at many of the same issues you do when picking your romance book title, including:

Who is your target market?

Ultimately, you want a book cover that will draw in your reader. What types of covers make them stop browsing to consider a book?

Explore popular romance covers

If your goal is to sell books, it always helps to research popular books in your romance subgenre. The best example of creating a cover based on what’s working in the marketplace are the bright colored illustrative covers on rom-coms. Readers who love rom-coms look for that style of cover.

Areas to look at include:

  • Colors: Are they dark or light or a mix?
  • Graphics: Is it a photo or illustration. Are they people or concept art?
  • Title: Is it long or short? Is it a pun?
  • Mood: A sweet romance usually has lighter colors whereas a dark romance has a dark cover.
  • How does it reflect the category in other ways? For example, a suspense will often have foreboding elements.
  • Where is the title and author name?
  • What is the typography? What font is used?
  • How does it reflect the books heat level? A bare-chested man usually suggests some spice.

Key Elements of a Romance Book Cover

Creating a captivating book cover for your romance novel involves focusing on a few key elements. Let’s break them down:

Title and Author Name

Think about the placement and font choices for your title and author name. Your title should be easy to read and ideally positioned at the top or center of the cover. Your author name can go below the title or at the bottom of the cover, depending on what looks best with your overall design. As a new author, it’s usually better to have the title up top and your author name at the bottom of the cover. But if you’re a well-known, well-sought after author, put your name at the top of the cover.


Next up is the imagery. This is where you get to be really creative, while at the same time paying attention to the expectations of reader. Think about what visuals best represent your story. Are there characters you want to showcase? A beautiful landscape? Maybe some symbolic elements like a heart or a key? The imagery should give potential readers a hint about what to expect inside the book. For a romance novel, you might want to include images that evoke emotion and hint at the relationship dynamics.

Color Scheme

The colors you choose for your cover can have a huge impact. Different colors evoke different feelings. For instance, red and pink are often associated with passion and love, making them popular choices for romance covers. Blues and purples can give a sense of calm or mystery, depending on your story’s tone. Black and dark covers hint at darker elements, mystery, and suspense. Think about the mood you want to convey and pick a color scheme that enhances that feeling.


The fonts you choose can say a lot about your book. Serif fonts (the ones with little “feet” on the letters) tend to look more traditional and elegant, which might be perfect for a historical romance. Sans-serif fonts (without the “feet”) look cleaner and more modern, great for contemporary stories. Script fonts can add a touch of romance and whimsy, but be careful not to choose anything too hard to read. The key is to make sure your text is not only beautiful but also easy to read, even at a glance.

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is all about making sure the most important elements on your cover stand out. Think of it as guiding your reader’s eye to the key information. Your title should be the first thing they see, followed by your name and any other crucial elements, like a tagline. Use size, color, and placement to create a natural flow. Larger fonts, contrasting colors, and strategic positioning can all help ensure that the important parts of your cover get noticed first.

Here is an example of color, font variation, and other elements.

Simplicity and Focus

Less is often more when it comes to book cover design. A clean, focused design is more likely to catch someone’s eye and make a strong impression. Stick to one or two main images and keep the text minimal and to the point. This will help maintain visual appeal and make your cover look professional.

Consistency with Brand

Your book cover should reflect your author brand and be consistent with any other books in your series. This helps build recognition and loyalty among your readers. Use similar color schemes, fonts, and imagery styles across your covers. If you’re writing a series, consider creating a template that you can modify for each book. This way, your covers will look cohesive when displayed together, whether on a digital platform or a bookstore shelf.

Here are the Southern Heat covers which showcase much of the above, as well as series brand and consistency.

Just for fun, here was the original cover for Drawn to Her, which I was afraid gave off a sweet romance vibe. The other covers were similar with different colors and graphic. I used them as the model for the new covers when I got my rights back from my publisher.

What To Avoid in Designing Your Cover

As you put together your cover concept, here are a few things to avoid.

Overly Complex Designs

It’s tempting to add lots of details and elements to your book cover, but this can actually detract from its overall impact. Too much detail can overwhelm potential readers and make it hard for them to focus on the main elements. Keep your design clean and focused. Choose one or two strong images and let them shine.

Inconsistent Imagery

Your book cover should be a visual representation of your story and its genre. Inconsistent or mismatched imagery can confuse potential readers and set the wrong expectations. For example, if your book is a contemporary romance, using historical or fantasy elements on the cover might not attract the right audience. Make sure your visuals are relevant and convey the correct mood and setting of your book.

Poor Readability

Your book cover needs to be legible, even in thumbnail size. Many readers will first see your cover as a small image online, so it’s crucial that your title and author name are easy to read. Avoid overly intricate fonts and make sure there is enough contrast between the text and the background. Test your cover in various sizes to ensure it remains clear and readable.

Ignoring Market Trends

The world of book covers, especially in the romance genre, is always evolving. The Bridgerton series has been recovered a few times, telling us that even the Big 5 pay attention to what readers like in covers.

Ignoring current market trends can make your book look outdated or out of place. Spend some time researching popular covers in your sub-genre. Notice the colors, fonts, and styles that are trending. While it’s important to be original, understanding and incorporating elements of what’s currently popular can help your book attract more readers.

Designing Your Book Cover

Considering how important a book cover is, you want to do all you can to have it look professional as well as attract its target reader. Here are your options for designing a book cover.

Professional Design

  • Pros: Professional designers bring expertise and creativity to the table. They understand design principles and market trends, and they can create a polished, high-quality cover that aligns with your vision.
  • Cons: Hiring a designer can be expensive, especially if you’re planning a series. You’ll need to communicate your ideas clearly and be prepared for a collaborative process.

Professional Templates

In this situation, a professional designer has a series of templates that it will modify it to suit your book.

  • Pros: Get a professional design but for less money.
  • Cons: Other authors can pay for the same template, which means they’ll have the same base cover just with a different title and author name.

Note, most professional designers will use stock photos, which means you may have a similar photo that another author uses. I’ve on occasion seen my photos on other covers. It doesn’t bother me too much because my designer makes the cover unique. But if you really want to be original, you can do as some other authors do and hire models. I’ve been to romance book events in which models are there!


  • Pros: Designing your cover yourself can save money and give you complete control over the creative process. There are many user-friendly tools available that make it easier than ever to create professional-looking covers.
  • Cons: DIY design requires time and effort to learn the necessary skills. The final product might not have the same level of polish as a professionally designed cover (see Deadly Valentine book 1), and it can be challenging to keep up with design trends and standards.

DIY Templates

In this situation, you can use a pre-made template and make adjustments on your own.

  • Pros: Get a basic cover design, which you can customize for an affordable price.
  • Cons: Similar to professional templates, other authors can use the same template.

NOTE: Many authors will make a cover mockup that they use while writing or to help the designer know what they want. Here is a mockup I have for my witchy cozy mystery idea during a NaNoWriMo. I used Canva for the cover and various graphics from the Canva art database. Many cozy mysteries have these cartoony covers, but when (if) this book gets written, I’ll hire a designer to make a professional cover. (To be honest, I might change to a rom-com and pitch it to a traditional publisher).

Tools and Resources for Covers

It’s time to create your cover! Here are tools and resources to help.

Finding a Designer

Look for designers with experience in creating book covers, especially in your genre. Check their portfolios to ensure their style aligns with your vision.

  • Ask other authors. I like this option the best since referrals are made by authors who are happy with their designer. If you belong to a writer group online or off, ask other authors who they used. Many authors thank their cover designers in the acknowledgement of their books, so you can look there if you see a cover you like.
  • Freelance sites. Fiverr and Upwork have freelance graphic and cover designers.
  • Template Bookcovers. Many cover designers offer templates they’ll tweak for you. I know one indie author course that recommends GetCovers for their students.

Working with Designers

Designers can’t read minds, so you’re going to need to get very clear on your design concept.

  • Communicate Your Vision: Be clear about what you want. Provide a detailed brief that includes information about your book’s genre, target audience, key themes, and any specific elements you want on the cover. This should include colors, photo ideas, and other elements. Share examples of covers you like and explain what you like about them.
  • Collaborate: Treat the process as a partnership. Be open to the designer’s ideas and feedback, and maintain open communication throughout the process. Provide timely feedback and be prepared for a few rounds of revisions to get everything just right.

DIY Cover Creation

If you decide to create your own book cover, there are several tools and resources that can help you achieve a professional look:

  • Canva: Canva is a popular, easy-to-use online design tool that offers templates specifically for book covers. It provides a wide range of fonts, images, and design elements.
  • Adobe Spark: Adobe Spark is another excellent tool for DIY designers. It offers powerful design features and templates, and it integrates seamlessly with other Adobe products.
  • Book Brush: Book Brush is designed specifically for authors. It provides templates, customizable cover designs, and marketing tools to help you create professional-looking covers quickly and easily.

These tools offer a variety of templates and customization options, making it easier for you to create a cover that suits your book and genre.

Formatting, Sizing, & Publishing

Once you’ve designed your book cover, it’s time to prepare it for publication. Here are some key steps to ensure your cover looks professional and meets the necessary requirements:

File Formats and Sizes

Different publishing platforms have specific requirements for file formats and sizes. If you’re working with a designer, they’ll know what you need in terms of size and format. If you’re DIYing your cover, here’s what you need to know.

  • Amazon KDP: For Kindle eBooks, Amazon KDP recommends a JPEG or TIFF file with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). The ideal size for eBook covers is 2,560 x 1,600 pixels. For print books, you’ll need a PDF file that includes the front cover, back cover, and spine, with dimensions based on your book’s trim size, page count, and paper color. Here is Amazon’s print cover size calculator.
  • Barnes & Noble: For NOOK eBooks, use a JPEG file with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. The recommended size is 2,500 pixels on the longest side. For print books, submit a PDF file similar to Amazon KDP, adjusted for Barnes & Noble’s specific trim sizes.
  • Other Platforms: Check the specific guidelines for other platforms like Apple Books, Kobo, and IngramSpark. They typically have similar requirements, but it’s always best to verify the details to ensure your cover meets their standards.

Print vs. Digital

Designing for print and digital covers involves different considerations:

  • Print Covers: When designing for print, you need to account for the front cover, back cover, and spine. Ensure that the colors are in CMYK format, which is used for printing, and that you leave enough bleed (extra space around the edges) to avoid any white borders after trimming. Also, consider how your design will look in physical form—fonts should be clear and readable, and images should be high resolution to avoid pixelation.
  • Digital Covers: Digital covers are usually viewed on screens, so use the RGB color format. Your design should look good in both full size and thumbnail size, as readers will often see a small version of your cover first. Focus on making the title and key elements stand out even when the cover is shrunk down.

Uploading and Checking Quality

After preparing your cover files, it’s time to upload them to your chosen platform. Here are some tips to ensure everything looks great:

  • Upload the File: Follow the platform’s instructions to upload your cover file. Double-check that you’re using the correct file format and size.
  • Preview the Cover: Most platforms provide a preview tool that lets you see how your cover will look on different devices and in print. Use this tool to check for any issues, such as text cut-off or low-resolution images.
  • Quality Check: Look at your cover on various devices, including phones, tablets, and computers. Ensure that the text is readable and the images are clear at different sizes. For print covers, order a proof copy to see how the cover looks in physical form and make any necessary adjustments before finalizing.
  • Make Adjustments: If you notice any problems during the preview or proofing stage, go back to your design file and make the needed adjustments. Re-upload the corrected file and check it again.

There is the quick and dirty on cover design. Do you have other thoughts or questions? Let me know in the comments below. 



How to Title Your Romance Book

How to Title Your Romance Book

July 16, 2024 in Blog, Marketing, Publishing, Writing Romance

Table of Contents

How do readers decide what to read?

The first three things they look at are title, cover, and description. Each of these are important to grab attention of the reader.

Coming up with a catchy title is key to standing out. Your title should capture the heart of your story and match what readers expect. But finding the right title for your book is more challenging that you might think.

Here we’ll cover what you should consider when titling your book, as well as tips on how to generate title ideas.

Choosing a Romance Book Title

There are a variety of options when it comes to developing your book title. Below are a variety of strategies you can use to help you craft a title that captures the attention of readers.

Explore Popular Romance Title Trends and Tropes

Romance novel titles are key to drawing in readers. By knowing what’s popular, you can make titles that speak to your audience. Some “trends” to consider are things like:

  1. One-word short and catchy titles, like “Obsessed,” “Passion,” or “Enchanted.”
  2. Tropey titles like The Grumpy Billionaire’s Mafia Princess or Damaged Billionaire Single Dad
  3. Character titles that use the main character’s name or job, such as The Duke and I, or Taming Mr. Walker, or Pucking Around.
  4. Mood setting titles such as Haunting Adeline or Spark of the Everflame
  5. Titles with place names, such as Montana Sky or Beachy Keen

Reflect Your Story’s Category

Your title should give readers a sneak peek at what’s inside. Think about the main themes, characters, or settings in your story. Is it a passionate historical romance or a modern love story? Use words that reflect these elements. Here are a few titles that suggest the books romance category:

  • The Liar (romantic suspense)
  • Quicksilver (romantasy)
  • The Duke and I (historical)
  • Dark Witch (paranormal)
  • The Hating Game (rom com)

Consider Your Book’s Heat Level and Tone

Some titles, along with the cover, can hint at whether it’s sweet or spicy, or light or dark. Stuck With My Damaged Bosshole is likely a spicy, written-to-market office romance. The Beach House is clean and cozy. 

Of course, this isn’t always the case. Meant to Be is a title used on many books (including one of my own), and those books range from sweet to spicy. The thing to consider is whether your title might lead a reader to think one or the other. For example, in the Clean & Wholesome category, there is a book called Whoops I Married the Wrong Brother. It’s royal romance that sounds cute, but the cover and title hint at a little spice, in my opinion.

When my series Southern Heat first released with the now defunct Penner Press, I was concerned the covers gave a sweet vibe that would annoy readers when they discovered the spice. When I got my rights back, I made sure the covers better reflected the content of the books. Now of course, we’re talking covers here, but covers and title work together.


Hint at Conflict or Mystery

Add tension to your title to make readers curious. The Duke’s Secret or One Last Chance suggests challenges the characters face. This makes readers want to know what happens next.

Appeal to Your Target Audience

Know who you’re writing for. Different romance subgenres have different tastes. The challenge of this is that tastes can change (e.g. sexy bare-chested men vs cutesy cartoonish covers). Some readers might be drawn to tropey titles (e.g. The Grumpy Billionaire’s Mafia Princess) and others aren’t. 

Make Your Title Easy to Remember

A title that sticks in people’s minds is key to spreading the word. Aim for titles with three to five words for romance novels. When thinking of romance titles, try using alliteration, rhyme, or wordplay, like A Scot in the Dark, Cold Hearted Rake, or The Honey Don’t List.

Incorporate Keywords for Better Discoverability

Admittedly, this can lead to tropey titles, which you may or may not like. But when it comes to attracting readers who are scanning an Amazon list of results, titles that speak to what they like will make them stop scanning.

Think about the words that highlight your story’s category, tropes, themes, settings, or characters. Many hockey romances use the word “puck” such as Pucking Around, as an example of this. Other stories have “Boss” or “Single Dad”, or other tropes.

When naming your book, mix keywords with creativity. Your title should be catchy and appealing. At the same time, don’t overdo it with keywords as it can make your book sound like a boring category listing rather than a title.

Leverage Subtitles

Subtitles can be the solution if you don’t want a tropey title like The Grumpy Billionaire Single Dad’s Sunshine Nanny. They let you add more interest and make your book’s theme clear. Many indie authors today have their tropes in the subtitle to help readers identify what the book is about. For example, Hateful Games: An arranged marriage billionaire romance or Loving Romeo: A Small Town, Enemies to Lovers, Sports Romance. 

Subtitles can suggest the story’s setting, time period, or a special twist. For instance, All Duke and Bothered: An addictive enemies to lovers, arranged marriage regency romance with Beauty and the Beast vibe.

Remember to keep your subtitle short and clear. Aim for 3-7 words that pack a punch. Here’s a quick guide to crafting effective subtitles:

  • Use vivid language that evokes emotion
  • Include keywords relevant to your romance subgenre
  • Avoid clichés and overused phrases
  • Ensure it complements your main title without repeating it

Think About How the Title Will Look on the Cover

Your romance book’s title and cover design work together to grab readers’ attention. When thinking of title ideas, imagine how it will look on the cover. Consider the font styles, sizes, and colors that could enhance your title. A short, catchy title can be displayed in a larger size, making it easier to see in small images online.

You might want to work with your cover designer from the start. Share your title ideas and get their feedback. They might suggest changes that make your title stand out.

Consider Other Books in Your Book’s Series

If this book is in an existing series, look for title names that fit with the rest of the books. For example, in my Valentine time mysteries, there is always a play on love and death in the title… Deadly Valentine, Old Flames Never Die, With This Ring I Thee Kill, and so on. My romance series all have 3-word titles: Drawn to Her, Meant to Be, Wed To You.

Lucy Score’s Knockabout books all start with “Things We” (e.g. Things We Never Got Over). Sarah J. Maas ACOTAR series all start with “A Court Of (e.g. A Court of Thorns and Roses). Sadie Kincaid’s books all have the main male character’s name as the title (e.g. Dante, Joey, and Lorenzo)

Test Your Title with Potential Readers

Before you settle on a title, get feedback from your target audience. Share your top picks with beta readers, writing groups, or on social media. Ask which title they like best and why. This feedback can really help you pick a title that connects with your readers.

What Not to Do

As you start drafting your titles, here are some things you should avoid.

  • Avoid Overly Complex Titles – Make your romance book title simple and clear. Complex titles can confuse people and make your book hard to find. Go for a title that’s easy to read, say, and remember. For instance, “Moonlit Kisses” is better than “The Intricate Tapestry of Nocturnal Romantic Encounters”.
  • Steer Clear of Clichés and Overused Phrases – Romance readers have seen it all. Avoid titles like “Love’s Embrace” or “Passionate Nights.” These worn-out phrases won’t make your book stand out. Instead, aim for fresh, unique titles that capture your story’s essence.
  • Skip Similar Titles to Existing Books – Titles aren’t copyrightable, but to avoid confusion by readers, it’s better to choose a title that doesn’t already exist. You don’t want your readers buying the book with the same title by another author. Before settling on a title, do a quick search for it on Amazon.
  • Consider Cultural Sensitivities and Double Meanings – Be mindful of potential cultural misunderstandings or unintended double meanings when choosing romance book titles. What sounds romantic in one culture might be offensive in another. It’s wise to run your title by beta readers from diverse backgrounds to catch any issues.

Coming Up with Title Ideas

You may already know all the above, but still struggle to find the perfect title for your romance novel. Here are some tips to help you get ideas:

  • Write down elements of your novel (e.g. tropes, character types, location, etc) as well as theme, words that evoke the mood, and whatever else can represent your book, and then make different titles similar to magnet poetry. Move words around. Add some. Take some away.
  • Ask your reader or writer group for help. I do this a lot, especially as one of my series grows.
  • Brainstorm by writing down a bunch of title ideas
  • Use a book title generator. Reedsy, Bookraid, and Editpad ask for input about your books and then provide book title ideas.
  • Use ChatGPT to give you a list of ideas based on information you provide about your stories premise and summary, tropes or themes, romance category, and characters. This can be more helpful than the book title generators, as you can provide more details for the AI to consider.

Do you have other thoughts about titling romance novels? Let me know in the comments below.

When and How to Start Marketing Your Romance Book

When and How to Start Marketing Your Romance Book

July 9, 2024 in Blog

Table of Contents

On a recent WWH member call, the question of when to start marketing your book came up. The short answer I always give is NOW. It’s never too early to talk about your book.

But how do you market something that isn’t finished? In this post, we’ll cover why and how you should start marketing your book the minute you decide to write it.


The Importance of Early Book Marketing

The biggest reason to market your book early is to insure you have buyers on the day of publication.

Using presale setup with online retailers, you can build book sales even before it is released. But even if your book is a year or more out from publishing, promoting your book during the writing process builds awareness and excitement among your audience. This leads to more pre-orders and strong sales when your book is released.

Second, once your book is published, you have a new author hat to wear; marketers. Starting your marketing early will help you develop the strategies and routine you’ll need to do both; write and sell books.

Building your author platform early helps you:

  • Establish your brand as an author
  • Grow a loyal fanbase
  • Create networking opportunities
  • Develop marketing skills

Building Your Author Platform

What is an author platform?

My favorite definition of author platform is from Jane Friedman, who describes author platform as the representation of your authorityvisibility, and reach to a target market. What does that mean?

  • Authority has to do with how much influence you have.
  • Visibility and reach represents the number of people who know and listen to you.
  • Your target market is your most likely reader.

Your goal in platform building is to increase your influence and reach to your readers, and yes, you can start building it before your book is finished.

First Steps to Building Your Author Platform

author marketing plate spinningAdmittedly, there are many moving parts to building and maintaining an author platform. It feels like plate spinning to me. The very basics should include:

  • Author website: Your website is your main online spot. I like to call it a hub as everything you do should lead back to it, and it leads to all the other things (books, social, etc). Today, while there is a bit of a learning curve to making a website, you don’t need to be tech-minded. If you can drag and drop, and know how to use Word or Google Docs, you can build a website. If you want, you can add a blog to your website, which can be a fun why to keep your target market informed. Need blog post ideas? Here’s an article with 90+ ideas on blog posts.
  • Email List: Yes, social media is free, but email is the king of building your fan list and having sales each time you launch book. It takes no commitment to follow or like on social media. Plus social platforms may or may not feed your messages to your followers. But when someone signs up for your email, they’ve raised their hand and said, “Please send me information about you and your books.” Plus you own it. You’re not at the whims of an algorithm or bot. For ideas on what to send, check out this post on 18 Effective Email Ideas for Romance Authors
  • Social media: Social platforms let you talk directly with fans. The key to success at social media for your author platform is to pick platforms where your readers are.
Platform ElementPurposeKey Features
Author WebsiteCentral hub for informationAbout page, book details, blog
Email ListDirect communicationSignup incentive, exclusives or early access, specials, ARC readers, regular newsletters
Social MediaDirect reader engagementWriting updates, teasers, industry news


Next Steps to Author Platform Building

I view marketing as a wheel. At the center is your website (hub), and everything else is interconnected spokes. Once you have your foundation set up (website, email, social), you can reach out and invite people back to your hub. This involves social media, but I’d encourage you to start including networking and writer/reader events.


For Networking, join writing groups in your community and/or online. Consider joining general writing communities, as well as those that are genre specific.

Join online groups as well. Here you can gain a lot of information about the industry, tips, support, and more.

Join reader groups to gain insight into what readers are looking for in your genre and building relationships with them. (Note: don’t spam groups with Buy My Book).

Visit book bloggers, Booktubers and Booktokers that talk about your type of book. Learn how they talk about books and how you can reach out to them for a possible review or mention when your book is ready.


I cannot overemphasize how much you can gain from events, including:

  • Information and education
  • Networking (I found a publisher and an agent through event networking)
  • Inspiration, motivation, and support
  • Glean ideas (swag, banners, etc)
  • Meet other writers and readers

As you get closer to publishing, you’ll want to include the other spokes, making sure your hub information is in your book, doing outreach to be a guest on podcasts and other media.

Marketing Wheel (copyright Moxie Vie Media, LLC)
(c) Moxie Vie Media, LLC

The spokes:

2) Your books. Whether you’re self-published or traditionally published, include your hub website URL in your books. This makes it easy for readers to find your other books, as well as to learn more about you, your events, and engage with you on social media.

3) Social/Community. Today, consumers like to engage with businesses, including authors. Members of your community will not only buy your books, but if they like them, will leave reviews and tell others about them, which will increase your authority, and expand your reach and influence. Growing a community includes engaging in social media, building an email list, and organizing a street team.

4) Media/PR. Being featured in the media boosts your credibility and expands your exposure and influence. Your website (hub) should include a media kit with your bio and information about your books. Send press releases to media outlets targeting your reader market when your book is ready to launch or has a tie-in to news. Don’t forget to include a link to your online media kit. Consider signing up to receive the HARO report (Help A Reporter Out), which emails media requests for guests, experts, and interviewees on a variety of topics.

5) Outreach. Authors can’t rely on Amazon or sending a press release to generate interest in their books. They need to reach out to resources that are designed for their specific reader market. The advantage of outreach is that it’s free and effective at building authority, while also expanding your reach. Outreach methods involve reaching out to bloggers for articles or author interviews, guesting on podcasts, and engaging in groups and forums. Offline outreach involves submitting articles to print media and attending reader-focused groups or meetings.

6) Events. Success as an author requires getting out and mingling with other writers and readers. Every author should attend workshops, seminars or conferences geared toward writers and readers each year. Once you have a book published, try to attend events as an author speaker or panelist, or pay to have a table from which to sell and sign your books. This will boost your book sales. I sell way more books at events I speak at than if I don’t speak or sit on a panel. Other places to set up events include libraries and organizations that target your ideal reader. Consider participating in online events, such as a blog or podcast tours, or hosting or being an author guest at a Facebook book party.


Platform Building Plan for New Authors

We’ve already established the foundation for platform building and next steps once your book is ready to launch. But let’s break that down into your phases of writing.

Pre-writing Phase: Research and Planning

Begin your marketing journey before you write your first word. Find out who your readers will be, look at what’s popular in your genre, and figure out what makes your book special. This is especially important if you plan to write-to-market. But even if you’re not focused on writing-to-market, knowing the market can be helpful in understanding how to make your book appeal to readers.

  • Identify your ideal readers
  • Study successful books in your genre
  • Develop a marketing budget

During the Writing Process: Building Anticipation

While you’re writing, start building excitement for your book. Start by creating a marketing calendar (this post includes ideas, plus you can use many of the 90+ ideas on blog posts for social media and email as well). You find other marketing ideas here: Boost Your Book’s Visability: 30 Five Minute Marketing Tasks.

During this stage, gather reader attention by sharing tidbits from your WIP, research, and other content that will appeal to them. If you’re writing a sweet cowboy romance, include snippets of writing, pictures of handsome cowboys, and things you’ve learned about living on a ranch. I wrote a book once that involved an engagement ring people were willing to kill for to obtain. I researched the Hope Diamond, which had just been determined to be a cutting from the French Blue, lost after the French Revolution. I shared that information on social media, blog, and email.

You can share behind the scenes or trips you make that might represent the location of your story. You can do polls related to something in your story. I’ve done polls on best romantic couple and top chocolate.

TIP: Many new authors will post about writing itself. While this isn’t bad, your goal is to appeal to readers, not other writers. So focus on what your ideal reader would be interested in knowing about.

Post-completion: Ramping Up Promotional Efforts

After you finish writing, boost your marketing efforts. Start a big promotional campaign that includes social media, book signings, and reaching out to the media (check the marketing wheel above). Push presales. Set up online and in-person launch events. Reach out for podcast or other media interviews. Keep posting per your marketing calendar.

Remember, marketing doesn’t stop after your book is out. Keep promoting it well after it’s released.

Marketing PhaseKey Activities
Pre-writingMarket research, audience identification, strategy planning
WritingTeaser content, progress updates, engaging with potential readers
Post-completionBook launch events, media interviews, ongoing promotional campaigns

Keep On Keepin’ On

Along with building a ready-to-buy fan base, starting your marketing early will help you develop a marketing routine. Marketing takes time. It will be easier for you to ease into it, test different options, and create a routine that works, so when your book comes out, you’re not running around like a crazy person trying to be in all places at once.

Once your book is out, it’s time to get ready for the next book, while still keeping eyes on the published book. Remember when I said marketing is like plate spinning? This is where that comes in the most. You have to keep pushing your backlist, while also hyping new releases. Starting now to figure out how you’ll do that will make the process easier as your author platform grows.

Organize Your Book Project in One Place

Organizing a Romance Novel Writing ProjectThe Romance Author’s Novel Organizer helps you keep track of your book from idea to sales, including an entire section on marketing:

  • Tips for building your author platform
  • A content cheat sheet
  • Content ideas
  • Book launch checklist
  • 12-Month Calendar to organize your marketing tasks.

You can get immediate access to a PDF digital version of the Romance Author’s Novel Organizer from my shop or order a print copy from Amazon

Do you have other tips or ideas for when and how to market your book as a new author? Let me know in the comments below.