
Author Marketing 101
September 17, 2024 in Blog
I was on two marketing panels at Creatures, Crimes & Creativity (C3) this weekend. One was social media, while the other was generic marketing. Both are huge topics. There are so many things to consider, and often the focus is on the activities (e.g. social media, newsletters, etc.) and not enough on understanding how marketing works to sell books. The problem with focusing only on tasks is that many authors do activities with no real rhyme or reason, which is often ineffective.
In this post, I want to take a step back and discuss the various stages of reader attraction and engagement and what you need to consider at each of these stages in terms of tasks you can do to sell books. Then we’ll talk about readers and how to find them, and what question you need to answer before you set out to do any marketing tasks.
What is the point of marketing?
The short answer is to sell books. But posting a tropey graphic of your book on Instagram won’t sell many books if you don’t already have fan followers.
When I think about marketing, I break it down into three basic stages:
- Attract new readers. These are the readers who have never heard of you.
- Befriend new reader acquaintances: These are readers who are aware of you, but don’t know you yet.
- Party with your fans: These are reader fans with whom you have a relationship and have built a community around.
Each of these stages requires different marketing strategies. It’s sort of like dating. You’re not going to get in front of a reader who’s never heard of of you and say, “hey, buy my book and be in my fan group.” Or you could, but they don’t know you. They might be put off by the equivalent of marriage proposal on the first date.
Instead, you need to be introduced to readers, befriend them, and hopefully, they’ll become your superfans. So how do you do this? By taking in consideration what readers need at each stage.
Stage 1: Attract New Readers
I’m of the belief that except maybe for TikTok and Facebook Author Takeovers, social media isn’t the best way to get in front of NEW readers. Most posts you make on social media aren’t seen by people who do know you! Even if boost your post, not all your followers will see it.
To attract new readers, you need to go out into the world where they hang out and get in front of them. The best ways to do this are:
- Being a guest on podcasts targeting readers of the type of book you write
- Outreach to influencers on social media who talk about the type of books you write
- Newsletter swaps with authors who have the same target reader as you do
- Asking your reader group to share your social content with their sphere of influence
- Guest blog posts with authors who have the same target reader as you do
- Blog tour with book bloggers who promote the same type of book you’ve written
- In person events (Get on a panel, which gives you more exposure to readers. I always sell more books after a panel)
- Ads targeting your ideal reader
Each of these options should not only include links to your book, but links to your newsletter sign up and social media where allowed. If you just send them to your book, you have no way to move them to stage 2 (unless the book info is on your website and you get their info there). So while ads can generate sales, the retailers don’t share those buyers with you, which is really what you need to move to future stages.
Stage 2: Befriend New Reader Acquaintances
A reader is now aware of you, and your goal is to become a friend. You want them to get to know you and bring them into your inner reader circle. At this stage, you’re sharing anecdotes, exclusive content, insider access, behind the scenes, specials and more. The best way to do this is:
- Social media. While a follow on social is nice, consider starting a group (you can do this at Facebook, Discord, or set up something through your website–through Facebook is ideal because so many readers are already there).
- Newsletter. You absolutely need a newsletter. These readers have raised their hand and said, “yes, I want to get to know you.”
Stage 3: Party with Your Fans
At this stage, you want to build a community that offers something unique and special to these great supportive readers of yours. The best way to have your readers feel connected to you and to other readers is through platforms that allow for conversations. Facebook Groups has a basic ability to do this. Discord is another way to gather your readers to talk about your books.
For years, authors have built street teams to develop this level of reader-author engagement, but a growing trend in community building with authors, especially romance authors, is to create a special, exclusive relationship that makes them feel extra special. This type of community can lead to additional income through a paid subscription component. Platforms such as Patreon and Ream Stories (like Patreon but specific for authors) are two ways you can do this.
These communities often have a free component, such as on Ream Stories where reader fans can “Follow” to get access to any free content you provide including the ability for the reader to comment on your writing (similar to Wattpad) and access to your community board where you can post questions, polls, and more. With Ream Stories in particular, followers are emailed each time you post in the community or add/update content.
For superfans on both Ream Stories and Patreon, you can offer paid tier options with more cool stuff as another way to make money. This content can take more time to create, but it’s usually exclusive to your fans who support you through a subscription.
Note that you can offer subscriptions through other sources such as Buy Me a Coffee, Ko-Fi, and Substack, but the community/social element isn’t quite as robust.
Who are Your Readers?
Knowing the stages of the marketing journey is just the start. The truth is marketing only works if the right person gets the right message at the right time. Scattering your content like buckshot won’t work as well as targeted marketing to readers who like what you write.
Successful marketing, particularly stage 1 attracting new readers, starts with you answering the following questions:
- How do you want to be known? If I say Colleen Hoover or Nora Roberts, you know exactly what I’m talking about. When your name is said, what do you want readers to think? Romance author? Romantasy author? Sweet cowboy romance author?
- Who is the mostly likely reader of your book? This is self-explanatory. Not all romance readers read all romance books. Some want spice and angst. Some don’t want any spice or angst.
- Where can your reader be found? This is the crucial question. If you wanted to hangout with these readers, where would you find them? Importantly, where do they go to learn about books? I know many authors don’t like TikTok, but I was at an event where I spoke to a young man who told me all his book buys were based on reviews/recommendations from TikTok. I too have bought many books the last few years based on BookTube and BookTok.
- What is the best way to engage your reader? Now that you’re where your reader hangs out, what message can you put in front of them that will make them interested in you? Do they like short teaser videos? Seeing review posts? Cover reveals?
If you’re unsure about who and where you readers are, and how to communicate to them, study successful authors who write in your genre. Do a search on their names and/or books and see where they pop-up. When you come across social content posted by the author, pay attention to what they’re posting and the types of engagement they’re getting.
What is Your Goal with Each Marketing Task?
You now have a sense of each stage of the reader journey and ideas on how to reach new readers and keep them engaged. But you still want to avoid sending out content willy nilly. Each time you appear somewhere or post something, you need to have an idea of why you’re doing it (hint: it isn’t always about buy my book).
When you’re doing a marketing task, ask yourself what you want the reader to do. Yes, it could be “buy my book” but again, someone who has never heard of you may ignore that message. In that case, a better message is to download your free lead magnet (subscribe to your email), follow on social media, join in the fun (asking a question or sharing a meme) etc.
The stages of marketing hint at your goals:
- Attract New Readers
- Befriend New Readers – Keep attention with engagement content
- Party with Fans – Build a sense of inclusion and belonging with special content
- The fourth goal is promoting you or your book specifically
Each time I post something, I think about which of these goals I’m focused on. For example:
- If I’m on a podcast or at a live event, I’m attracting new readers. While this goal can include info on my book, I also want to encourage them to follow me on social media or get my lead magnet to move them from stage 1 to stage 2.
- If I post a poll about favorite romantic couples on social media, I’m engaging with my reader friends with the goal of strengthening my relationship with them. Or I might post a snippet of a bonus chapter that they can read the full version of in my reader community, to lead them from stage 2 to stage 3.
- If I post an alternate POV to a chapter of my book for my super fans, I’m building my fan community (stage 3)
- If I post about the special sale of my book, I’m putting out core promotional content with the goal of buying my book.
The point is, each time you do anything marketing wise, you should be able to identify a goal and measure if it’s working. If I post a picture of myself at an event, my goal is to share something that helps readers get to know and like me (stage 2). Perhaps in my newsletter, I remind people about my reader group (stage 2 and 3). I can post my lead magnet on social media with the goal of gaining subscribers. All these “goals” I can measure through likes, follows, and subscriptions.
I find marketing the most difficult part of being an author, mostly because there’s so many aspects to it. It’s not just about selling books anymore. It’s about reaching new readers, cultivating a readership, and building a community that will not only buy your books, but will be evangelists for your books. All this takes time…time to find podcasts to pitch…time to befriend book influencers…time to create social content…etc.
The Author’s Social Media & Community Building Planner
For help in your marketing planning, especially around blogging, email and social media, check out The Author’s Social Media and Community Building Planner. The first part covers marketing topics such as platform building blogging, email marketing, and more. It provides lists of content ideas, worksheets, and checklists to help you organize your marketing efforts. Finally, it includes a 12-month calender to help you plan your marketing activities.
Because of the time it takes to market, you don’t want to waste it on ineffective activities. Make your marketing work for you by being strategic in your goals, and getting the right messages to the right people.
If you have questions or feedback about marketing, please let me know in the comments below.

Preptober Writevember 2024 Challenge is Open – Join Free!
September 9, 2024 in Blog
You have a romance novel in you…let’s get it written!
The fourth Write with Harte Preptober Writevember Challenge starts October 1, 2024! Join now to get the information, tips, support, and resources you need to turn your book idea into a romance novel.
What is Preptober?
Preptober was initially coined by NaNoWriMo participants who used the month of October to plan their writing project for November.
At Write with Harte, Preptober is used to plan a writing project for Writevember (write a book in November), as well as provide participants with information, instruction, tips, resources, and more to plan and write a romance.
What is Writevember?
Writevember is Write with Harte’s version of National Novel Writing Month. It varies in that writers can pick their own writing challenge for November. Ideas include finishing an already-started novel. Writing a 30,000 word novella. Writing two 30,000 word novellas. Writing 1,000 or 80,000 words.
Further, writers who join WWH’s challenge receive daily tips, support, and motivation to achieve their goal.
FREE Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge
For years, I wrote books that got done mostly by a wish and prayer. I wrote a lot, then I wrote nothing. I got stuck, then the words flowed…until they stopped again. I pantstered and tried plotting with little success. It’s not that this method didn’t work. I wrote half a dozen books like this.
But then I became a ghost writer, and over the last several years, I’ve averaged a book a month (over 75 books to date). What this process taught me was that cranking out 1,000 to 2,000 words a day isn’t that hard IF you understand the elements of good romance fiction and have a plan.
In the WWH Preptober and Writevember Challenge I share with you my tips, hacks, and secrets for writing a lot of words in a short time and have them end with a satisfying romance.
The goal of the Preptober and Writevember is two-fold:
- Understand good romance novels and a plan to write your own (October)
- Write a novel (November)
The challenge starts October 1st, and each day in October, you’ll get an email with information, tips, and homework to plan your romance novel. Most lessons won’t take very long. Others might take an hour. Of course, finding time will be covered so that when November comes, you have the time and organized ideas to write 1,000 to 2,000 words in an hour or 90 minutes (or whatever your daily goal will be).
You’ll continue to get a daily email in November with additional tips, inspiration, and pacing cues to help you stay on track.
Along with daily emails, there will be weekly Zoom meetings to recap the week’s goals, ask questions, and get support.
Participants can connect between calls by joining the private Romance Writing Challenge group here at Write with Harte. If you haven’t joined Write with Harte, it is free, and gives you access to a variety of tools, as well as the ability to take part in groups and forums. You can join the Write with Harte Community for free here (Note, that joining Write with Harte doesn’t automatically register you for the Preptober Writevember Challenge. You’ll need to register for the challenge separately).
Don’t wait, join the WWH Preptober Writevember Challenge now! Learn more and sign up for free here: Preptober and Writevember Romance Writing Challenge
PS: If you’ve taken the challenge before and want to take it again, you’ll need to sign up again. Overall, the challenge is the same as previous years, with a few updates.

Self-Care for Romance Authors
September 3, 2024 in Blog
I don’t know what being an author was like before the Internet. Marketing was different for sure. And while there were bad reviews and haters, chances were most authors didn’t directly hear from them.
Today, reaching readers around the world is fast and easy, while at the same time, boosting the amount of work authors need to do. I listened to a podcast interview with Skye Warren once in which she talked about trying to do all the things when it came to her author career and it made her sick.
Then there is the direct input from readers that can be wonderful, in the case of fans, but really demoralizing from mean people. Let’s face it, many people say things to others online that they probably wouldn’t say face-to-face. The Internet has a distance that some people feel emboldened to speak their first impulses, but those on the receiving end don’t have that same sense of distance. Mean words hurt.
It seems to me that the Internet has made some aspects of being an author easier and yet harder, and sometimes overwhelming and emotionally fraught. Authors need to take care that they don’t let the work or negativity bring them down.
Self-care isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a vital practice that allows us to continue doing what we love—writing with passion and purpose. Whether you’re overwhelmed by all the moving parts to writing, publishing, and marketing your romance novels, managing the ouch of a negative review, or booted from a group for saying “AI,” taking time to nurture yourself is key to sustaining your creativity and avoiding burnout.
By prioritizing self-care, you’re ensuring that your passion for writing remains as vibrant and enduring as the romances you create.
Building a Strong Mental Health Foundation
The sturdiest structures are built on a strong foundation. The stronger your mental health, the better you’re able to weather the storms that can batter you through the writing, publishing, and market process. A strong base of mental health comes from taking care of yourself as a matter of course, not just when the winds are blowing.
Here are tips to shoring up your mental health foundation.
By the way…I doubt much of what is listed below will be a surprise. Activities such as exercise, eating right, and getting enough sleep are the solution to many of life’s challenges. But are you doing them? I know I don’t always maintain as healthy of lifestyle as I can.
Physical Self-Care
- Regular Exercise: Engage in activities like walking, yoga, or stretching to relieve tension from long hours of writing.
- Healthy Eating: Maintain a balanced diet to keep your energy levels steady.
- Adequate Sleep: Prioritize getting enough rest to stay sharp and creative.
- Frequent Breaks: Take short breaks during writing sessions to stretch, move around, and rest your eyes.
- Ergonomic Workspace: Set up a comfortable and supportive workspace to prevent strain on your body.
Mental and Emotional Self-Care
- Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus.
- Journaling: Reflect on your thoughts and emotions through journaling to process your experiences.
- Creative Outlets: Engage in other creative activities like painting, music, or crafting to refresh your mind.
- Reading for Pleasure: Take time to read books purely for enjoyment, without the pressure of analyzing them.
- Positive Affirmations: Use affirmations to boost your confidence and combat self-doubt.
Social and Community Care
- Connect with Fellow Authors: Join writing groups or online communities to share experiences and offer support. I you’re not yet a member of Write with Harte, join us for camaraderie and support.
- Attend Writing Events: Participate in writing workshops, book signings, or author panels to stay connected with the writing community.
- Set Boundaries: Clearly define your working hours and personal time to avoid burnout.
- Reach Out for Help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to a friend, mentor, or therapist.
Professional Self-Care
- Organize Your Schedule: Create a realistic writing schedule that includes time for breaks and personal activities.
- Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones in your writing process.
- Manage Expectations: Set achievable goals and be gentle with yourself if things don’t go as planned.
- Continual Learning: Take courses or read about topics that interest you or could enhance your writing skills.
- Delegate Tasks: If possible, delegate tasks like editing, marketing, or formatting to professionals.
Spiritual Self-Care
- Nature Walks: Spend time outdoors to reconnect with nature and clear your mind.
- Spiritual Practices: Engage in activities that nourish your spirit, such as prayer, meditation, or reading spiritual texts.
- Gratitude Practice: Maintain a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your life and writing journey.
How to Take Care of Yourself in the Midst of Angst
Similar to how lifting weights will strengthen your muscles, the activities above will strengthen your fortitude and resilience when the poop hits the fan or something happens that knocks your confidence off-kilter.
But what do you do when the bad review comes in? Or when someone is particularly mean online? Or maybe your sales are down or your ad was blocked. Sh1t happens, right? How can you get up when knocked down? Here are a few tips.
1. Take a Break: Step away from your writing and give yourself permission to rest. Even a short break can help clear your mind. While you don’t want to be away from writing too long, it might be necessary to take some time off.
2. Practice Deep Breathing: Engage in deep breathing exercises to calm your nervous system and reduce stress. This sounds too easy, when the body and mind are stressed, people tend to take shorter breaths that lead to more tension. There’s a reason why pregnant women are taught breathing exercises for labor. It’s calming. It turns the focus onto something else. It brings more oxygen into the body.
3. Go for a Walk: A change of scenery and some fresh air can do wonders for your mental state. Walking helps clear your mind and can spark new ideas.
4. Engage in Physical Activity: Whether it’s yoga, dancing, or a workout, physical movement can help release pent-up tension and improve your mood.
5. Journal Your Thoughts: I whine a lot in my journal. Sometimes I don’t like that I’m negative in my journal, but ultimately, by writing all my fussing down, I get it out of my head and body. Sometimes the process of writing leads to a better understanding of what the problem is, which can help me find solutions.
6. Listen to Music: Put on some soothing or uplifting music to shift your mood and provide a mental escape. When I was a social worker, I had a few days a week when I had to work in an office in which my coworkers were always negative. On the way to work, I’d listen to Get Over It by the Eagles to psych me up for those days. Create a playlist of songs that perk you up. Here are a few songs to consider:
- Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.
- I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor
- Lovely Day by Bill Withers
- Roar by Katy Perry
- Firework by Katy Perry
- Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
- Happy by Pharrell Williams
- Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
- I Am Woman by Helen Reddy
- Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen
- Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys
- Unwritten by Natashia Bedingfield
- Ode to Joy by Beethoven
- Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
- Don’t Give Up by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush
7. Talk to Someone: Reach out to a friend, fellow author, or therapist to share your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, just talking things out can bring relief. I think sometimes we feel like everyone is doing awesome and we’re alone in our challenges. The truth is, others have gone through or are going through many of the same issues you are. It can be nice to realize you’re not alone in the struggle. And sometimes you’ll find tips to help you through it.
8. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation: Spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness or meditation to center yourself and reduce anxiety.
9. Declutter Your Space: This might sound like a weird strategy, but I know for me, sometimes my low mood comes from a disorganized space and mind. A tidy environment can lead to a clearer mind and a renewed sense of control.
10. Revisit Your Why and Goals: Set Small, Achievable Goals: Remind yourself of why you started this journey. Get back that feeling of excitement about writing and sharing your stories with the world.
11. Limit Social Media: This is especially helpful if the source of your challenges is online. Take a break from social media to avoid comparison traps, information overload, and negativity. Focus on what’s important to you. When you go back online, unfollow anyone who posts things that impact you negatively (I’ve had to do this a lot during election cycles).
13. Engage in a Different Creative Activity: Do something creative that isn’t related to writing, like drawing, cooking, or crafting. This can refresh your mind and inspire new ideas.
14. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Sometimes a negative trigger can lead to a spiralling of more negative thinking. I’m prone to this. One bad thing happens and next I’m listing all the bad things that could happen or piling on all the reasons why I suck and won’t be successful. Acknowledge that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and that taking care of yourself is a priority.
15. Take a Power Nap: While you don’t want to hide away and give into the down feelings in a way that reinforces them, there can be a restoration in sleep. A short nap can recharge your energy and improve your mental clarity.
16. Treat Yourself: Do something nice for yourself, whether it’s enjoying a favorite snack, buying yourself flowers, taking a hot bath, or watching a comforting movie.
17. Practice Gratitude: Like deep breathing, gratitude is so easy that you wonder how it can actually work. But it does. Reflect on what you’re grateful for, both in your writing journey and in life. Gratitude can shift your focus away from negative stuff to positivity.
18. Limit Your To-Do List: Just this morning, I erased (not even crossed off) several items on my To Do list. I have stuff from yesterday that didn’t get done because I ended up spending time with my sister and mother. Tomorrow, I have the day blocked off to be with my hubby who is going into surgery. So why did I think I could do all the things? I can’t. So today, I erased (I love erasable pens) several items. Now when I look at my planner, it’s more manageable, and the stress is lowered. Prioritize tasks and allow yourself to push less critical ones to another day. Lightening your load can alleviate stress.
19. Reset Your Goals: Goals offer a roadmap and timeline to your success, but they’re not set in stone. If you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, or perhaps, the plan isn’t working and you need to evaluate and reset, do it. Don’t keep on keepin’ on with something that is making you stressed out especially if it’s not bringing you closer to your goals. Take a breath. Reassess. Make a new plan.
20. Stay Away from Negative Spaces: Okay, so you can’t always do this. Negative Nellys are everywhere. But you can try to avoid or limit time in spaces that you know have negative energy. Social media is one (see number 11), but there are likely others. I tend not to read my Goodreads reviews (by the way, reviews are for readers, not authors, which means you shouldn’t respond to them). I left a Facebook group once because I realized every day there was drama. Sometimes I’d perseverate on it even when I wasn’t online. I don’t need that. I left a critique group that I’d really liked, but a few new players turned the time into something negative and stressful.
21. Seek Professional Help: If feelings of overwhelm persist, consider speaking with a mental health professional. They can offer strategies and support tailored to your needs.
In all you do, you’re only as good as your attitude, energy, and mental health. As they say on the airplane, if the oxygen masks drops down, put yours on first, then help others. The same is true in life. You’re at your best if you take time to care for yourself first. Not in a narcissistic way. But in the way that gives you the energy and mindset to take on the world.